Chapter 25

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(Soooo prepare yourself, slightly longer chapter again. When I'm writing chapters like this I just get carried away because I love doing it and get so many ideas for these ones! Enjoy! L x)


It wasn't long after Christmas that sadly Honey passed away. It was a very heartbreaking moment for all of us. For someone to come in and tell me the news and then I had to break the horrific news to the rest of the house, it was truly horrible and so so hard. We all miss her.

It caused Lou to go into a headspace. He's been under since it happened and now its been a few days since. We've all been trying to avoid little space because we know the inevitable is probably going to happen soon. With triplets they never carry to full term, so the fact he's got to 8 months without problems its pretty impressive. We've got the whole of January to get through yet. They're due just a couple days before my birthday.

"Come on Loubear, nap time now okay?" Its hard trying to keep a toddler (but not really a toddler) on bed rest when all they wanna do is get up and run around and play.
"Okay daddy. I sleepy." I'm glad.

I grabbed his teddy and tucked it into his arm before slowly tucking him under the covers. He likes it when I stroke his hair whilst he falls asleep. Not just when he's regressed either. It's a cute sight to see really. He looks so happy and content like that.

Lou's regressed, but only to an age where he can mostly do everything himself. We don't need to rely on nappies at the moment as he's in the age space where he knows how to use a toilet. He doesnt need nap time drinks either. Just regular old juice.


Lou slept for ages so I got the boys to come in and sit with me for a while. The room is a bit dull and quiet. We aren't our usual selves. Its taken a toll on everyone, finding out that Honey is no longer with us. It happened so quickly apparently.

"Maybe I should just go check on the babies again?" Rhea got ill for a couple days but now Liam won't stop panicking about it. She's better now but he just won't stop fussing.
"Li she's fine okay. Leave her be and let her get some rest. If they want us they'll cry." You can't blame him for worrying a little.

"So- new year- that's tomorrow. What you all thinking?" Zayn and Liam have some very good things lined up for next year. Niall's gonna be so happy. I've known all about it for a while now and I've had to keep my mouth shut so Lou doesn't find out. Although I'm sure he'll know eventually too.

"Hoping for a better year." Short and simple. Good answer Zayn. I guess I'm hoping for a better one too. Don't get me wrong this year has been incredible but there's been some things here and there I'd like to change.

"Dada! Daddy I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I'm sorry daddy!" Lou's shouting from on the bed. He's woken up and he's crying his eyes out. "I hurting daddy. My tummy and my bum hurt." Shit. Fuck. No fucking way.

I pulled the bed covers up and saw wetness all around Louis. I can't think about that and cradled him instead.
"Its okay baby its not your fault. Its alright." What the hell do I do. I'm trying to do eye signals with the boys and pointing to his tummy. Nialls the only one who gets it.

"Look baby I need you to be big for me okay? Can you do that? I really need you to be big now Louis. Come on. This is really important you're big now Lou. Please." I don't know what to do. If he doesn't come back we're fucked.

"Hey Lou, Harry really wants you to come back to us now okay? Please Lou. The babies would like to see their uncle Louis... and some other babies want to meet their mumma." Something must've clicked in him.

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