Chapter 3

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T H I R D   P E R S O N

"Come on Lou. Time to wake up." Harry was happy to say that Louis had fallen asleep in his bed last night. They fell asleep wrapped in each others warmth. Not that Louis knew that. Nor would anyone else find out.

"But 'm tired." Louis grunted and rolled over.
"We're going on a trip in a little while Lou. Just the two of us. Breakfast is ready so we need to go down now." Again Louis grunted.

"Fine. But only because I want to go out later." Harry made a deal last night that if Louis ate at least half of his breakfast he would take him not only to one of the special places but to two. The second was extra special to Harry.

Both boys got out the bed and raced to the bathroom. Louis got there first, shutting the door behind him and locking it. Knowing that he was alone in the bathroom, he turned on the shower to let it heat up before removing all his clothes.

Little did Louis know a shower would be pointless. Both of them would have to have another in the evening after the things they might get up to during the day. Louis couldn't hold in his excitement for this trip Harry had planned. He couldn't wait to see what the alpha had prepared for them to do together.


Breakfast wasn't exactly good and Louis worried that Harry wouldn't take him for the surprise now. He had been given pancakes but barely managed to eat just 2. Niall on the other hand had eaten all of his and half of Louis within a short space of time.

Throughout breakfast Louis just sat and nibbled at little bits of the pancake. Harry looked at him worriedly. He didn't know why the omega was behaving like this. The blue eyed boy had been doing so well with his food. He improved majorly the previous day.

"Are you finished sir?" One of the servants asked him once everyone had stopped eating.
"Yes thankyou." The servant took his plate seeming very unsure. Heck Harry was really unsure.

"Louis are you okay? Not hungry?" All he did was nod.
"I'm fine. Not hungry." The short sentences only came out as mumbles to the other boys.


"Lou, why aren't you dressed? We're leaving for your surprise in a minute." To say Louis was surprised would be an understatement. But he pushed the surprise away.
"I don't want to go." It was Harry's turn to look surprised. He couldn't understand why Louis was behaving this way today.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" The nickname made Louis feel all warm inside. He felt bad for saying no.
"Don't want to go. Not so close to... Not so close to my h-h-heat." A lonely tear dripped from his eye. Harry noticed and immediately rushed over to the small boy, enveloping him into a ginormous hug.

"Oh Lou. Trust me, you'll be safe. I'm an alpha. You'll be fine. I promise." Harry swiped the tears from his face and pulled the omega into a hug.
"You really promise?" He asked in a tiny, almost baby like voice.
"I really promise."


"Come on Louis! Just a little further!" Harry was quite far ahead of the boy. Their trek through the woods would soon be coming to an end. Harry could see the clearing up ahead and ran towards it. Louis, not wanting to be alone, ran quickly after him.

He stopped running, almost bashing into Harry, and stared at the opening. Right in front of him was a gorgeous lake. It glistened in the sun that was shining down on it so beautifully. The sound of low winds and water gushing could be heard in the distance.

"Lovely isn't it?" Harry asked, more to himself than to the boy stood next to him.
"It's fucking incredible!" Harry almost scolded Louis for swearing. ALMOST. But he couldn't as the younger boy was not his to scold.

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