Chapter 17

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They've been out there for about half an hour now. I hope they're all okay. The last thing I need is to lose my boys while I'm pregnant with their pups. And god help us if anything happens to Harry. Lou needs him way more than anyone else does.

"James, do you have any idea what's happening out there?" He can vision things but I dont know if that will be one of the things he can see.
"There's been a lot of fighting. Alpha and Liam and Zayn are still alive. We have one injured alpha and 2 injured betas. Everyone else is fine." Thats a relief. I hope those betas and the alpha are okay.

"Would you like to know something else Niall?" This doesn't sound good.
"Okay?" Lou started to fuss so I quickly shushed him. Honey knew I wanted to know what was going on and took over for me. She took Lou to the other corner and started playing with him.

"It's good news Niall. Almost 3 quarters of those vampires are dead or very badly injured. Harry is still ripping Simon to shreds." Not only are my boys okay but we've nearly got rid of all the evil vampires.

As if they knew what was being spoken about, there was a loud bang on the door. We heard people shouting outside of it but very faintly. Lou got scared and started to cry. We cant let them know we're in here.

I took Lou from Honey and started to shush him again. I grabbed his special blanket and placed it over his face. He slowly started to calm down and make sucky noises with his mouth.

"Is someone hungry?" I had to whisper as not to alert anyone that we were here. He gave a small nod and Honey started to make up a bottle for him. He looks really tired and ready for a nap.

Honey handed me the bottle and I placed Lou into the position to be fed. I placed the teet to his mouth and he started to drink. As he was drinking his eyes slowly closed shut. Peace and quiet fell throughout the room. Everyone looked at him adoringly.

"Niall, youre going to be an amazing mother when those pups are born. You've got the natural instincts." James' words made me start to cry. It was such a kind thing to say and made me so happy to hear.

"You really think so? I've been so worried this whole pregnancy that I'm gonna be a terrible mum. I'm worried that I won't be able to care for my pups properly. I just want to do what's best for my pups and I'll do everything I can to make sure they're happy and healthy."

James looked at me with the sweetest smile and said "I don't think so Niall, I know so. You're gonna be amazing." It was my turn to be comforted now. The tears just kept streaming.
"Sorry, hormones. I can't help but cry"


This is it. The time has come, for him to finally die.
"Look around you Cowell, where's your men and women? Dead. Because of my pack. My men and women did that. And now its my turn, to kill you." I finally turned into wolf form. I haven't done this in a long time!

"Goodbye Simon. Rot in hell you piece of trash. This is justice for my dad!" Just like that the claws were out, one quick swoop his body was ripped open. The blood started pouring out of him. His insides were now his outsides. Simon Cowell is finally dead.

The pack started to cheer! Everyone started to celebrate and scream and shout that Simon is now dead. I transformed back to human form and ran to find Liam and Zayn.

"Li, your arm??" He had been attacked by a vampire and his arm had a large deep wound. "Let's go get you checked out." First to find Zayn too. He wasn't too far, just a couple people away through the crowd.

"Li baby what happened??" Liam started to explain as we began to walk to the medical house. The vampire had come up to him and scratched him hoping to hurt him. Liam had paid no notice to the scratch and didn't even realise he had one until the vampire was dead.

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