Chapter 26

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Harry planned a small trip for our honeymoon to take at the start of the new year. We both agreed on it and decided it would be best to stay close, in case I gave birth. But now I've given birth and yet we still need to stay close because of the three little ones.

I'm nervous to leave them but I've left enough milk to last them for the night. Whilst we're away I'll still be pumping and someone will come and collect the milk from me twice a day. I know they'll be in good hands as we've got the boys looking after them and Anne has decided to stay at the house with Gemma for the few nights as well. Its always good to have that bit of extra help.

Im sure all 3 of them will be okay with the amount of love they'll be getting. Mum said she was going to visit during the few days at some point too. Its so good that mum and Anne are friends, it makes it so much easier for me and Harry.

I've spoken to Niall a million times and quadruple checked they're definitely okay with this. Having their own two babies as well, I dont want to make this hard on them. Their own babies are only four months and now they've got three babies that are only two and a half weeks old.

I didn't want to leave them so soon but me and Harry need this time together. We've been spending so much time looking after our three new additions that we've barely had time to sit and have a proper talk.

If Luca's not awake, Noah is. If Noah's not awake, Honey is. If none of them are awake we panic. If all three of them are awake we panic. Triplets are a lot of work. Its different for everyone though really. But me and Harry have been finding it quite hard.


"Oh Loubear I'm so glad we get to spend this much needed time together. I can't wait to just sit and relax with you." Its gonna be so peaceful. I don't think either of us are gonna be used to it.

"Me too Hazzy, I just know I'll be missing our little ones a lot." My babies are at home being taken care of by someone else. I'm definitely gonna miss not seeing their gorgeous faces all day every day.

We arrived at the treehouse for the first time this year. Harry still isn't allowing me to carry anything so brought all of our stuff up the ladder by himself. Which might I add scared the life out of me. He slipped a couple times and I nearly shit myself.

I walked inside the tree house and instantly went to stick on the fire. It's January and its fucking freezing. Harry definitely appreciated the effort of getting it warm. His hands froze me when he suddenly came round and placed them on my face to kiss me. I forgot to kiss back, it shocked me that much.

"Oh sorry boobear, I'll get my hands warm first." He gave me a cheeky wink and walked off into the bedroom. I'm not sure what he's insinuating on that, but if it's sex then I'm not sure if I wanna do that just yet.

I love Harry and all, and I know people usually have sex on their honeymoon- I just don't know if I'm ready yet. I mean my body's still big and I've got horrible stretch marks. I've healed down below so that's okay but it looks different now since the babies. I try not to look but I cant help it. I've noticed all these things that have changed in my body and I just feel a little insecure.

"You alright boo?" He must've noticed me thinking to myself.
"Yeah- just missing the babies, that's all." It may be a little white lie but does he know that? No he doesn't. At least I hope he doesn't.

Harry came and sat next to me, wrapping his arms around my shoulder.
"I miss them too Lou, its already so hard not having them around." The hour away was bad enough for Honey's funeral. But we couldn't not attend that. She was so important to us and really did feel like family.

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