Chapter 24

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Sooooo this is gonna be an extra long chapter. Like waaaaayy longer than I expected. 3771 words later and im finished so I've had to come back to the beginning to let you all know its gonna be longer than usual! Enjoy! L x


God I hate being away from Louis. Not getting to see his face for ages really upsets me. But it'll all be worth it in the end. By the time the moon comes out I'll be married to the boy I love.

Some would say we're rushing it all. Most people don't move this quickly with a partner. But knowing me and Louis are soulmates and knowing that he's the mother of my children and the one I love most on this earth, they can all go fuck themselves. I love him with all my heart.

"Come on Haz you can't stand there and watch him sleep, he might wake up soon." I've got to leave him now and go get ready somewhere else. He's going to have Niall with him though. And his mum and sisters. They're all helping him to get ready.

"Coming Zee." I gave my boy a soft kiss on the forehead before quickly grabbing my stuff and leaving the room. Liam walked with me out to the car where we all jumped in and Zayn started making our way to the wedding location.

We both wanted it to be outside, but with it being December it was too cold for that. I can't have my Loubear freezing to death. I need to keep him wrapped up and warm and feeling safe. Thats why we've stuck with an indoor venue that allows people to go outside too.


We arrived at the venue and had to start setting everything up instantly. The whole place has a room for the wedding and then another room for the reception afterwards. Which means there's 2 rooms to decorate.

We started on the room I'll be getting married in later today. Thank god I've got Zayn and Liam with me cause otherwise this whole place would look a mess. I know I managed to pull off the gender reveal party last month but I dont think I could pull something like that again.

Louis said he wanted lots of flowers and lots of pretty colours so we're trying our best to make it look as good as we possibly can. Liams on flower duty, Zayns on lighting and I'm sorting out the seating. There's 6 seats in each row and on either side so I'm wrapping ribbon around them all to make it into a bunch of rainbows. Lou would approve for sure.

The other room has a million different things. We've got fairy lights and more rainbow ribbons and then there's the candles for each table and the flowers for each table. But then we've also got disposable cameras at each table for all our guests to use. It was Louis' idea as he wanted to have some special memories to look back on.

The reception room has a small stage in it where we've set up live music. I didn't want them to do it but Cal and Ashton insisted. I can trust them cause I know they're a really good band. But the best thing is I'll be having my three friends singing for us during our first dance.

We've also both got a mother and son dance and we can dance with our mums at the same time. The boys are singing for that one too. Little does Lou know, Liam helped me to write these songs myself. I couldn't be happier to let him, Zayn and Niall sing them for us later.

"Come on lads we've got a lot of work to do. This isn't gonna be easy. Plus we've gotta get ready after." We've got like four hours but that just seems like it's not enough. I feel like I need more.


My wedding is today! I actually get married in a few hours. Today! Its actually today!

Niall strolled in looking tired and disheveled. But I wanna keep him in a good mood.
"Ni! I'm getting married today! Can you believe it! I'm getting married to my best friend and the person I love so so much!" He looked fake hurt for a second.

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