Chapter 2

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It was three days until Niall had finished his heat. They managed to get back for the final two days. It was risky running from the cave back to the pack but Liam managed. He'd do anything to protect his omega.

Harry on the other hand, he made sure to spend as much time as he could with the omega. Harry didn't want to leave Louis alone, scared that the boy would run away again. But Louis hadn't even thought of running since the proposal. He didn't need to run anymore.

When Harry brought Louis back to the pack the smaller boy got very confused.
"Where is everyone?" He asked Harry ever so sweetly.
"At school for the children. Not many parents are here as they're working." Louis hasn't ever seen a pack of working adults and schooled children. It was new to him.

"I've never seen a pack like this before." He looked to his surroundings.
"You mean to say you've never been to school before?" Harry was quite shocked at the omegas reply.
"Never. I don't entirely know what happens in a school." Louis wasn't very well educated. He'd learnt a few things from different packs. But not much.

Now that Louis had been here a few days, Harry was insisting Louis went to school.
"But I don't think that would be wise at this time. Maybe in just a few weeks. It might be okay then." His heat was arriving in 4 days. School wouldn't be safe. He was scared.

"Don't worry Louis, I'll be with you. You'll be safe." He shook his head.
"Sorry Harry but I wouldn't like to go just yet. Let me settle properly here first." Harry couldn't resist the boys sweet eyes and pouty face.

"Okay Louis. But once you're okay and settled I'm taking you. No if's and's or but's." Louis was about to say a silly joke but decided it would be best to stay quiet. He remembered what Niall had told him.


"Alpha, we need you in the gardens." Harry shot up immediately, leaving Louis alone in the room. Harry's room. The brunette wanted to get up and explore the room. But he knew Harry wouldn't like it if he started snooping. So he stayed where he was.

Harry came back in minutes later looking exhausted.
"Are you okay Harry?" He nodded towards the boy and joined him on the bed again.
"Fine thankyou. Two alphas got into a fight." Louis didn't understand why Harry was needed for that.


At lunch, Louis sat next to Harry at the table as ordered. Harry told him to and he obliged, not wanting to sit by anyone else. The food that had been served was a lot. Too much for the small omega. His meals usually consisted of small things. He'd never had such a big meal before in his life.

The other end of the table both Harry and Louis could hear fellow residents muttering about them both.
"Do you think he'll be the new luna? Alpha lets the boy call him by his first name. He's never done that to anyone but Liam, Niall and Zayn." Louis didn't understsnd what was being said. He'd never heard the term luna before. It was new to him.

"The two like each other for sure. I asked Kayleigh and she said that she could only say if the two were soulmates if they asked themselves. That always means they are with her." Louis didn't know who Kayleigh was but he understood what a soulmate was. That wasn't new to him.

Harry wasn't liking the two talking about them both like this. But at the same time he was interested in hearing what they had to say about them both.
"Louis, are you not hungry?" The smaller boy shook his head. He had only eaten a few mouthfuls of his sandwhich.

"Please Louis, you need to eat something. You've not eaten properly in a long time." Again, Louis shook his head.
"Promise me you'll eat more at dinner?" He nodded slowly. But he didn't promise. He knew he wouldn't be able to eat any more. His appetite wasn't very big. It never had been.

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