Chapter 4

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(Slight warning, a little bit of smut in this chapter.) (Another warning, it's probably not that good 😂)

T H I R D   P E R S O N

Harry rushed out of the bedroom, Liam trying to follow behind.
"Lima bean, be quick. He made me horny!" Niall whined to his boyfriend. Liam rushed out the room and followed Harry to the top floor.

One of the doors were open and you could smell the distinguishable smell that was Louis' heat.
"Hazzy! Hazzy stay! Help me!" Liam had to run in and stop them.
"I'm sorry baby! I'm so sorry! I can't stay. I can't."

Liam rushed in and pulled Harry away from the moaning boy. They shut the door behind them and Liam locked it, hiding the key. He had to be sure that Harry wouldn't go in there and do something he would regret.

"My boy is in there Liam! He's in there in fucking pain! I want to help him so bad! I want to fucking help him!" Liam felt sorry for the two. It was a bad situation to be in.
"I know you do Haz. But what you're doing is for the best. He's going to be okay."

The two boys listened in shock when they heard Louis erupt a loud scream. Louder than any they'd ever heard before. Why was the boy screaming? Neither of them knew.
"Give me the fucking key Liam!" He wouldn't comply. He can't give in to Harry.

Harry may be head alpha but that doesn't give him any right to go in there.
"GIVE ME THE KEY LIAM!" Harry started searching Liam frantically. But Liam pushed the alpha away from him.

"Harry you need to respect his wishes. He did not agree that you could be in there for this." Suddenly Harry remembered his short talk with Louis as they were walking home. The brunette was being lazy so Harry had started to carry him. Then they spoke about it.

Harry then also realised he'd recorded Louis saying it. Just so he could prove it to anyone that didn't trust him. But just his luck he didn't have his phone with him.
"He said it to me on the way back! He said he wants me to be there!"

Harry grabbed Liam roughly by the bicep and dragged him to his room. He pulled his phone away from the charger and unlocked it quickly pulling up the video. They both stared at the screen as it began to play.

"Say it again Lou. I just want proof that you've said it."
"Said what? That I want you to help me in my heat? Okay then..."
"Please. In case people don't believe me."
"Fine, okay. I Louis Tomlinson agree that you Harry Styles can help me through my heat when it starts."

"There! Now give me the fucking key!" Liam still wouldn't hand it over.
"We'll go up together. I'll lock it after you." Harry didn't bother to respond but instead rushed back up to where his baby was.

Liam was just as quick getting up there as not to annoy the impatient alpha. He unlocked the door and Harry ran straight in and over to a crying Louis. They heard the door shut behind them and a lock clicking. Harry still had his phone on him. He could let Liam know when they needed to come out.

"I'm here baby. I've got you."
"Daddy? You came back! Please daddy! Help me!" The nickname his baby had just given him sent him through the roof. He started grinding on the boy. Some things happened and Harry knew instantly. Louis' heat had triggered his rut. They were in for a long few days.


"Li, do you reckon Lou's going to be okay?" Liam was confused at the question his omega had asked.
"We all know how Harry gets when he goes into rut..."
"What makes you say he went into rut?" Niall thought it was obvious.
"You couldn't smell it when you were by them?" The two had gone up to drop some supplies off while the other couple slept.

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