Chapter 11

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"Hazza! Hazza wake up he's here! He's going to take me and he's going to beat me again and maybe even rape me this time. Said once I was 16 he'd fuck me. Hazza I don't want him to do that. Help me. Please!" My baby woke up in a panic, tears streaming and all shaken up.

"Come here baby. I've got you. No one's going to hurt you. I won't let him go near you. I'm sure he's not back Lou. Probably just a dream." From the look on his face it doesn't seem as though it's 'just a dream'.

"No Hazza. He's here. I visioned it. Josh said that other week that something will cause my headspace to go deep. He's the cause. It'll be because of him. Please Hazza you gotta believe me! Please don't leave me Harry. Please." The pleads he's giving me, I can't resist.

"Okay baby. We can tell the others in the morning that you need to have someone by your side always. I'll always protect you Lou. Won't let nobody hurt you. I'll always stand by you baby. I love you." He cried into my shoulder, the whimpers turning into sniffles.



"No Niall, I know you need the toilet but I gotta come too. I can't be left on my own. I won't look or listen I promise."
"Fine Lou. Come on." I followed behind him silently, being sure to stick to my word.


"Li you know I can't be alone. I'll come with you. Besides it's only over the road."
"But Lou that's the point. I'll be gone literally 2 minutes."
"What if it's 2 minutes too late?" That was enough to let me go with him.


"Ash, Lukey, I know I'm basically third wheeling right now but if you're gonna fuck at least wait for Calum and Mikey to get back here. Sorry for being a cock block." I feel a little bad.
"Its fine Lou. I don't want anything to happen to you either.


"Lou baby I'm showering. You're coming with me."
"But I showered this morning Haz?"
"Doesn't mean you can't sit and talk to me while I'm in there. Not leaving you alone baby." I like it when he's protective of me.


"Zayn, there's a commotion just outside. I think you need to come quick. I'll run and get Niall to watch Lou."
"You be alright on your own for a second? Gotta sort this." I gave an unsure nod. Anything could happen in the few moments he's gone.

"Thanks Lou. Ni will be here in a sec anyway." He quickly rushed out the door leaving me alone. I don't like this already. I feel like I'm being watched. I feel really uneasy.

"Finally they left you alone little boy. I can take you all for myself. You want your real daddy's knot baby. Take it from a real man." This is exactly what I didn't want. I felt it coming. "Don't you dare speak a word or I'm slapping that ass." He made his way over.

I heard the door opening but he clearly did not. I signalled a h in sign language and a no. Niall was stood there watching my hands as I did it repeatedly. He left the door slightly open and ran off, I'm hoping to get Harry.

"As soon as I'm finished with your dumb ass I can't wait to use this on you. No more happy Harry. No more happy pack. No more new Luna." He pulled a knife from behind his back and walked right up close to me.

I shuffled back a bit on the bed as he stumbled scarily closer. A few tiny whimpers left my mouth. I wanna cry so bad. I hate this.
"Oh baby you're so eager for daddy's cock aren't you little boy? Let me hear those noises again." He's a sadist. Loves seeing people in pain.

He kept coming towards me and tried to pull my panties down from under my skirt. I smacked his hand away gaining a harsh slap to my arm.
"You do not touch me like that you got it? I'll smack you Louis and I'm not afraid to kill you. Everyone will be better off anyway."


Niall came running outside shouting profanities and every curse under the sun.
"HARRY GET THE FUCK INSIDE NOW! LOUIS IS IN YOUR BEDROOM AND HIS DAD IS IN THERE!" Woah! I wasn't expecting that. "I didn't go in cause I'm not strong enough on my own.

I sprinted inside, hearing footsteps behind my own. I slammed the bedroom door open and noticed none other than Louis' father spread over him on top of the bed.

"Get the fuck off my boy." He looked up at me, amusement all over his face.
"He's not yours yet Styles. Don't miss him too much."
"I'll have you know we're mated. So yes. He belongs to me now. Get the fuck off my boy!" I'm ready to rip the man to shreds.

"Get off the omega. Keep away from him. Leave now and never come back. Otherwise there's hell to pay. Alpha here isn't afraid to kill you Austin. Leave now." I noticed the knife in his hand and urged a couple of the boys to get closer to him. If I do it I'll just tear him apart.

Mikey and Luke made their way round whilst he wasn't paying attention. One held his hands down while the other grabbed the knife. This allowed Liam and Zayn to make a move and tackled him to the ground. I joined them and started destroying the lad.

It wasn't until Niall was practically screaming my name that I noticed the state my baby was in.
"HARRY EDWARD STYLES GET YOUR ASS HERE RIGHT NOW!" I ran over to my baby boy. He's not moving, not speaking. Nothing. Just frozen.

"Daddy. Daddy. I need daddy. Daddy. Daddy! DADDY! NEED DADDY!"
"I'm here baby. Daddy's got you. It's okay baby. Let it all out. Daddy's never letting you go again. Never again baby."

I looked over to the beaten and bloody man on the floor. Then over to the three omegas sitting shocked on the bed. This is a big mess.
"Get him out. Don't let him die. But I don't want to see his face around here ever again." I'm trying to stay as calm as I possibly can with my baby boy in my arms.

"Hurts daddy. Tummy hurts. And my leg and my cheek and my head."
"Calum love, could you go and get Lou lots of ice please?"
"Yes alpha." He scurried off to do as told.

"Ash, can you ask Honey to fix him up a bottle please. She knows just how he likes it."
"Yes alpha. Which bottle? Purple one?" I merely nodded. "Of course alpha." He too scurried off quickly for the milk.

"Ni, could you grab him a nappy and some clean clothes. Place them in the bathroom for me. I'll give my baby a nice warm bath." He's still crying into me.

"I got the ice alpha. Honey said to bath him first to let the ice get a bit warmer as not to freeze him." Just after that Ashton came back in.
"Honey has prepared the bottle but purposely made it too hot to give him time for a bath." She's a good woman.

"Thankyou so much boys. Now please, I would like all of you to start calling me Harry. We've known each other a long time. Refrain from referring to me as alpha. You boys are good friends." The four of them nodded and moved to be reunited again.

"It's all in there Harry. Started the bath too. You can stop it how you like it."
"Thankyou Niall. Thankyou to all of you. If it weren't for you I'm afraid my baby could have been... been killed."

A/N soooooo where do I begin... I'm sorry once again for not giving a fast update. I will promise you though that this story will not be one of those that is incomplete and not updated ever again because I've got so much prepared for it! This story will be completely published it'll just take a lot of time! Thankyou for being patient with me 💕

12/03/19 (First update of the new year too??)

Edited:11/07/19 (no it wasn't the first update of the new year... I'm a dumbass)

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