Chapter 5

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T H I R D   P E R S O N

"Lou? You awake baby?" From not receiving any response he knew that he was still sleeping. Harry clambered onto the bed and pulled his sleeping omega into his lap. He sat there stroking the boys hair for ten minutes before anything even remotely interesting happened.

"Daddy?" Louis eyes fluttered open as he looked up at Harry.
"Hi Lou. You hungry? We need to feed you." Louis moved his body to wrap around Harry a little bit more.
"Can I have bot bot please daddy?" Harry didn't fully understand what was happening to the boy. He sent Liam a quick text to come into their room.

"Lou baby, you okay?" He just wanted to be 100% sure of what was happening before he took it all in. Liam rushed into the room, Niall following right after.
"Ni Ni! I missed you!" Louis sat up and made grabby arms to Niall. The blonde ran to Louis at once, pulling him into a ginormous hug.

"Ni, be careful what you say. We need to check something quickly." Niall was confused. He moved away from Louis' embrace but stayed sat next to him.
"I wanna cuddle. Ni Ni come cuddle." Louis led back down and once again made grabby arms towards Niall.

Harry whispered a few things to Liam that Niall couldn't quite hear. Instead he moved to be cuddling Louis again.
"Baby, you still hungry? Can I look in your bag please?" When they found Louis all he had with him was a big rucksack.
"Okay daddy. 'M really hungry."

Niall sort of caught on to what was happening. Harry found Louis' bag and opened it looking through for some things. He pulled out what looked to be a dummy. Louis saw what was pulled out and shouted for it immediately.
"Dum dum! Lou Lou want it please daddy." Harry quickly pulled out the stuffed teddy bear also from the bottom of his bag.

Liam grabbed the two and took them over to the omega who snatched them off him, shoving the dummy into his mouth and pulling the bear to his chest.
"Haz he just snatched." Harry stopped searching through the bag for a second and went to the bed.

"Louis, it's not nice to snatch. What do you say to Liam?" Louis pouted a little.
"Sorry Li Li. Won't snatch again." It sounded a little funny through the dummy but the three boys held in their laughter as to not embarrass the poor boy.

Harry went back to searching through the bag and found a blue onesie at the very bottom. Right on top of it was what looked to be a baby bottle. Hidden right inside the onesie appeared to be a Louis sized nappy.

"Daddy. Need a wee wee. Need toilet daddy." Harry once again stopped his search to go over to Lou.
"You can use the toilet baby. I don't mind." Harry gave him a kind smile but Louis kept the nervous look on his face.

"It's too big daddy. Don't wanna."
"Can you be my brave boy and go on the big boy toilet please? Daddy can take you. Or Niall?" Harry was so caught up with everything that he hadn't even noticed the d word slip from his mouth.

"Ni take me so daddy finish please?" Niall was a bit scared at first but agreed nevertheless. He had to carry the light boy through to the bathroom and helped him onto the toilet.

"Don't wanna do it."
"If it makes you feel any better I'll look away." Niall turned round and covered his ears which made Louis happy and he started to finally do his business in the toilet. Just a number one. Otherwise Niall would be screwed.

"Done!" Niall helped Louis off the toilet and helped him pull his joggers back up. He had no panties on since Harry wanted him to be as comfy as possible. Niall carried him back through to the bedroom and put him back on the bed.

When Louis had noticed Harry's missing presence in the room he began to let a few tears escape his eyes.
"Hey Lou, what's wrong? You okay? What's up sweetheart." Niall still wasn't fully aware of the situation so left Liam to deal with it.

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