Chapter 23

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We finally get to tell everyone what we're having today! I cant wait to see everyone's faces when they realise what our little babies are gonna be. Fingers crossed none of the predictions are wrong either. That would be a fucking nightmare.

"Hazzy, how's the decorating coming along?" I've maybe kinda put him on the task of putting decorations up. Alone. Without my help. I have to rest as much as possible so I'm not allowed to help anyway.

"Absolutely fabulous my Loubear, how's the sleeping going?" He gave me a cheeky smirk. The kind to show me he's just teasing.
"Quite nicely thankyou, I think I'm gonna have to go do it some more."

These babies are making me exhausted so I've been having at least a nap a day. I try not to make it any more than that as I dont want to keep myself up at night. Been through that too many times before. Never happening again.

"Would you like to come in with me and take a look? Or are you going to stay and rest." I've been lying down all morning while he's been setting up. Would probably be a good idea to go and see what he's done with the place. I don't know how its going to look.

"Come on then Hazzy. I need help out of bed first." Now being 7 months pregnant I'm starting to struggle a little with things. Usually most mothers are okay at this stage. I however am somehow carrying three babies and can barely stand on my own now.

Harry grabbed my hand and helped me up off the bed. We then took a slow stroll through to the living area thats been decorated for later. Its only going to be a small gathering as we don't want to announce it to the whole community just yet. I mean they've all only just found out that me and Harry got engaged. One announcement from the alpha at a time.

I really am lucky to have Harry as my alpha. He's the most caring person I could've ever wished for. We may only be young but that doesn't matter. Plus, the older generation like it when us younger generation marry young and have our first pups young anyway. That's how its been for centuries. No one really waits. Unless of course it takes them a while to find their partner in life, or their soulmate.

We walked through the doors of the lounge and had to stop right there. He's done an amazing job in here. It truly looks incredible. The whole room is head to toe with blue and pink decorations. We've even got beautiful lights and balloons and so much baby stuff!

"Harry this is incredible!" I quickly looked over to another section. "Is that a photo booth I see? Do we get to take cute ass pictures with some fucking adorable backdrops?!" I shouldn't have said that. Oops.

"Louis, language. You may be pregnant but I'm not afraid to spank you for that." I felt a light blush creep onto my cheeks.
"Sorry da- Harry." How the fuck did I nearly slip up then? I'm not feeling anywhere near being little. Maybe on the inside I just love to call him daddy.

"You okay Loubear? Feeling little? Its okay if you are." He has to reassure me every time I start to feel little now. I always get so scared. I just really hope nothing ever happens again that can make me regress for such a long time. Its the last thing we need at the minute.

"I'm okay Hazzy, just a little slip up. Its a good name, what can I say. Maybe I just like calling you daddy." We smirked to each other and then burst out laughing.
"Save it for the bedroom boo." And with that Niall and Zayn walked in.

"I don't wanna know whats going on in here. But I do wanna see the incredible job that Harry's done. This looks amazing! Did you do this all by yourself?" Niall's just as in awe as I am. It truly looks incredible in here. "Take notes for next time Zee, you need to make it look just as good for our next gender reveal." Zayn looks a bit shocked.

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