YoonJin pt. 1

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Genre: fluff and a little angst but not a lot I swear 

Little Yoongi

Little Jungkook 

Part 1

"Namjoon hyung?" the youngest asked as he sat on the couch, "Did you know Yoongi hyung is a little like me..."

"What?" Namjoon hadn't been paying attention to anything other than his television show until he heard what Jungkook had said, "What makes you think that?"

Of course the older male had been very stressed and of course he needed an outlet due to the amount of work he had been doing for the comeback. Namjoon was just so unsure why Jungkook thought Yoongi was a little.

"It all makes sense once I explain it... You remember last week when we went and talked and then Yoongi hyung passed out?"

Namjoon nodded, he remembered walking in on Jungkook having regressed and had been crying his eyes out over Yoongi, mumbling about little space. The others only had split, two of them caring for Yoongi and three of them calming little Jungkook down enough to get him a nap, which he clearly needed.

"Well, Yoongi passed out because he was using all of his strength to resist regressing," Jungkook said, seeing the shocked face of Namjoon.

"How do you know that?" Namjoon asked, now clearly invested in the thought that his hyung was a little, just like their maknae.

"Well he told me so..." Namjoon could hear little Jungkook trying to explain but Jungkook must have known that if he regressed now, he wouldn't be able to explain anything.

"He told me how he felt, he said his head felt light and tingly and the rest of his body felt heavy... He said he felt cold and his voice even went up a few pitches as he was explaining but he shook his head and told me I was wrong when I said he should regress. He told me I didn't know what I was talking about but the way he was feeling is that same way I feel when I'm about to regress. He passed out from exhaustion from resisting to regress in front of me," Jungkook explained, causing Namjoon to think and nod.

Jungkook could tell he was still not completely convinced and kept explaining, "A couple days ago, he yelled at me, you remember?" Namjoon nodded, "I had been little that night before and stayed in Jin and Yoongi's room but Jin left Yoongi and I when he went to make breakfast. I moved to Yoongi's bed and slowly woke up big but Yoongi woke up little. He was mumbling and hugging me like a teddy bear, calling me Kookie and addressing himself as Yoonie... His talk made me slip too..."

Namjoon was wide eyed as he listened, "Why did he yell at you? If he woke up little?"

"He got big really quick after he slipped up and almost called Jin hyung daddy. He got big really fast and it was sort of scary too... I didn't know he was big until I asked him to play and called him Yoonie. He started getting mad at himself, calling himself names and being mean and I got mad because no one talks to me hyungie like that," Jungkook kept explaining as Namjoon's jaw practically dropped, more so at what caused Yoongi to become big again.

"And then I asked him if he was little and he started crying, nodding and telling me I wasn't allowed to tell anyone because if I did, they'd hate him. I told him no but then he got really mad and started yelling at me and that made me cry. Jin hyung came in and scolded Yoongi, remember?"

Namjoon nodded, never had he seen Jin so angry at Yoongi and it was scary for him, he couldn't even imagine how scary it would have been if he were in Yoongi's spot, a little having his daddy yelling at him like that.

"Hobi said he thought he saw Yoongi crying as he left and he was, I saw his lip start to quiver and his hands started fidgeting and I can tell he was biting back the urge to cry and run into Jin hyung's arms. He went to his studio after that. He hasn't come back in three full days, Namjoon hyung... I'm worried..."

Namjoon nodded, usually Yoongi would work for a few days in his Genius Lab, but knowing that Yoongi was little made it all even worse. What if he hurt himself? What if he fell or what if someone who was dropping delivery off saw him little and made fun of him or hurt him or-

"Someone needs to go over and talk to Yoongi... now," Jungkook said, causing Namjoon to just nod. He knew he had to at least try and make it right again

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