NamGiJin pt. 2

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Genre: fluff

Little Jin
Little Jungkook

Way less angsty than the last part and a bit shorter as well


"Yoongi hyung, the food is burnt and since Jin hyung is appearntly too tired to do literally anything, can you fix something?" Jimin heard Yoongi coming down the stairs as he played with Jungkook with some brightly colored plastic cars. His voice was agrivated as Hoseok and Taehyung looked up from Jungkook on the floor to see Yoongi but also Namjoon with Jin on his back entering the living room.

"We're ordering pizza and staying in to watch some cartoons so clear the floor." Yoongi's directions were clear but confusion struck three of the four boys while Jungkook smiled and clapped, wanting pizza and cuddles.

Jimin looked up from Jungkook and saw Jin, cuddled against Namjoon's back, his face wasn't visible but he could see small tufts of orange and black fur from his tiger stuffie in his arms. "Is Jin hyung alright?"

Yoongi silenced everyone momentarily before ordering pizza to get delivered. After hanging up Yoongi apologized for making Jimin wait, "Jinnie... would you like to tell Jiminie? And after that you can play with Kookie and color with Hopie or even play with Tae too!"

Namjoon slowly sat Jin down on the plush couch and the others were about to see the soft pajamas he must have been changed into as well as the pacifier I'm his mouth and the tiger stuffie hugged tight in his arms.

"Uh... Jinnie didn' wanna be hyungie so Jinnie ish baby instead..." Jin finsihed with a smile as Hoseok cooed and smiled.

"Dada! Look! Hopie have dots too!" Jin yelled happily as he rushed up and poked Hoseok's dimples, "Hopie dots are closer to his mouth though... But they're still pretty! TaeTae, don't you think Hopie's dots are pretty?"

Hoseok laughed as Taehyung nodded, "Don't you mean dimples?" Jin flushed in embarrassment before nodding, forgetting Namjoon had told him that they were called dimples earlier. "Well I do think Hopie's dimples are pretty, I think all of Hopie is pretty..." Hoseok and Taehyung shared a tender kiss before Jin made a sound similar to "bleg".

"Hopie is pretty but not as pretty as my Daddy and Dada!" Jin said proudly, seeing as Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jimin had all went to talk in the kitchen.

"My Daddy is pretty... He is really really pretty..." Jungkook mumbled from the floor where he was rolling the toy cars around. Jin soon joined him, giggling and laughing when Jungkook gave him a blue car with pink wheels.

Before the three caregivers returned, Hoseok was given the green car and Taehyung was given the yellow car and Jungkook kept his red car as they raced around the rug that was in the center of the room. The two littles happy that even though the other two weren't littles, that they enjoyed playing with them.

As Jungkook smiled and laughed, Jin gasped, "Dada! Hopie! Kookie had dots too!" Taehyung didn't bother with correcting him and laughed as Jimin, Namjoon and Yoongi all returned into the living room.

"We were talking to Jimin about not over doing it with Jin and not pushing him too far. I guess Jimin didn't know that Jin had felt so bad and since Jin wants us to be happy, he'd do anything that we wanted and..." Yoongi looked up from where he was talking to Hoseok at Jin and Jungkook who were listening in on what they were talking about.

"Baby, why don't you and Kookie go with Dada and his Daddy to get blankets for the movie?" Yoongi asked Jin as the little quickly forgot all about what his Daddy has been talking about and rushed to help Jungkook up on his feet. Jungkook wobbled more than Jin when he walked but it was steady enough of steps that he could hold Jimin's hand and get around places.

The two littles and two caregivers left the livingroom, Jin holding his tiger and Jungkook holding his bunny. They piled soft blankets and stuffed toys into a basket that Namjoon carried as well as Jimin got two plastic kids plates for a the littles and sippy cups with juice as well as paper plates and plastic cups for everyone else. Jimin hoped using the disposable things would help the dishes to not pile up and Jin to not get overwhelmed at all of the dishes piling up once he was Big again.

Once they all returned to the living room, a man in a pizza delivery outfit was handing Yoongi two pizza boxes as well as smaller breadstick boxes and a two liter of soda.

"Joonie, can I get some help please?" Yoongi called out as he stumbled to carry everything and also get his wallet out to pay the nice and patient delivery man.

"I'm here, Daddy!" Jin announced proudly as he had heard "Jinnie" not "Joonie" And Namjoon was too busy setting up the blankets on the floor to actually be able to help Yoongi.

As the words left Jin's mouth, Yoongi froze, "Uh... Jin hyung I don't think-"

"It's alright, sir."

"Huh?" Yoongi looked over at the delivery man who smiled widely and waved in a childish manner at Jin who giggled.

"I'm actually a little as well... I mean I'm not little now but I'm working today because my Mommy is off on a work trip and I need some money for a new stuffie I saw when I was window shopping... But it's alright, you don't need to address your little as hyung when that's not what he's feeling like right now." The delivery man smiled and whispered over to Yoongi, "I'd actually advise not to call him hyung because that might make him feel big when he doesn't need to be..."

Yoongi only smiled as he silently thanked the delivery boy as Jin still stood there, rocking back and forth on his feet like an overly energetic child.

"Okay, Jinnie, can you get Daddy's wallet out for me?" Yoongi asked as the little nods happily, whispering into Yoongi's ear, "Of course, baby..." Jin then took money out of Yoongi's wallet and handed the man the money.

"Oh... sweetheart, I think you handed me the wrong one... Here give this 50 dollar bill back to your Daddy and get me a 20 dollar bill, alright?" The man asked patiently as Yoongi and Jin both shake their heads.

"Nuh uh... Nice Pizza Guy should go get stuffie... Maybe even buy candy too!" Jin said happily causing Yoongi to shake his head.

"I doubt his Mommy wants him jacked up on sugar when she gets back, baby-"

"Thank you so so so much!" The delivery man said happily, "You guys sure are lucky this is my last delivery or I'd have to give pizza to someone while I was little..."

With a little longer conversation to try and keep the delivery man out of little space so he could get home safely, they said their farewells and brought the pizza in.

"What took so long, Yoon?"

"Oh oh! The pizza guy was little too and we have him some moneys for stuffie cause his Mommy is out on a trip!" Jin announced happily as Namjoon smiled.

"That was so nice of you guys... Thank you, Yoongi..." he placed a quick peck on Yoongi's lips before smiling at the others.

"B-But I wan' kissies too!" Jin complained as he flopped in between Yoongi and Namjoon on the couch, Jimin and Jungkook on the floor cuddling and Taehyung sitting in Hoseok's lap on one of the chairs.

With a chuckled, both Yoongi and Namjoon kissed Jin's cheeks, squishing his face between theirs causing the elder to giggle and make a faux face of disgust.

"We love you baby boy, always remember that."

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