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Genre: fluff

Little Jungkook

This has spoilers for Hwarang (the k-drama Taehyung was in) so heads up.

I always get ads for the app Kocowa and it's usually just scenes from Hwarang that Tae is in so that's where I got this idea.


Jungkook giggled and held tight to his bunny as he pulled his headphones on and clicked a cartoon episode on YouTube, tapping at his computer desk, he waited for the video to load only to see an ad pop up.

He knew what it was but he just couldn't remember, all he could see was his Daddy, Taehyung, stood with long black hair, opposite of his current blonde hair. Jungkook's mind never even noticed the Skip Ad button was ready to be pushed.

He looked confused, his head cocking to the side as he looked and saw Taehyung run ahead, catching a blade in his bare hands.

"Daddy!" Jungkook squeak out as he saw blonde coming from his hands. His mind wasn't able to comprehend what was happening, why was his Daddy with people he could remember their names? Why was his Daddy stopping someone from hurting the other? Why was his Daddy... collapsing to the ground?!

Jungkook watched, teary eyed as Taehyung fell to the ground, bloody handed as the other two spoke about poison, deadly poison. All Jungkook could make of that was that it wasn't good. It wasn't anywhere near good.

He kept his eyes glued to the screen as Taehyung was carried away, bridal style. He looked weak and blood still coated his hands as Jungkook hugged his bunny closer, tears falling down his face like a waterfall as he heard Taehyung speaking before his body went still and the man holding him collapsed to the ground, crying out and holding Taehyung close.

"D-Daddy?" Jungkook asked with tears now blurring his vision, seconds later an ad for an app appeared, showing that the thing they had just showed was over and soon Jungkook's cartoons started up but the little only sobbed as he pulled his headphones off, thinking of Taehyung, even if it didn't look like Taehyung does now it made him cry. What if that actually happened? What if that happened while Taehyung was gone getting groceries?!

Jungkook hugged his bunny close as his body shook with sobs and soon he found himself having a hard time breathing as he gasped for air and the room around him seemed to get smaller and smaller until a large hand was on his shoulder.

"Jungkookie? Are you okay?!" It was Taehyung.

"Daddy!" Jungkook sobbed out as he held tight to Taehyung and cried a little longer before he gasped and pulled Taehyung's hands out. No blood. No cuts. No poison. No scars. His Daddy was okay.

"What's wrong, baby?" Taehyung asked as he patted Jungkook's soft hair. Jungkook only sniffles some more before Taehyung pulled Jungkook out from his chest and faced him, "What's wrong, sweetheart?"

"D-Daddy hurt... Daddy d-die!" Jungkook sobbed out, causing Taehyung go pull him back into his chest for a warm comforting hug as Taehyung rubbed his back in a soothing, circular motion.

"Baby, I'm right here... Daddy is right here, Kookie..." Taehyung spoke slowly, allowing Jungkook to hear every word.

"N-No... Daddy die..." Jungkook said, pointing at the computer screen that was still playing cartoons. Taehyung looked confused for a moment before looking down at Jungkook.

"Honey, that's-"

"No! It was b-before... Daddy got hands cutted and he... he felled asleep when a guy w-was holding him and... and didn' wake up..." Jungkook cried harder as kept checking the palms of Taehyung's hands.

A part of Taehyung was relieved that Jungkook hadn't seen some strange Army video someone had made where he died or something... and the other part freaked him out that Jungkook thought the k-drama he has been in was real.

"Baby boy, that's not real... That was a pretend show I acted in... Remember when I pretend to be an alien or a monster in tag? I was just pretending... It wasn't real, baby..." Taehyung said as Jungkook looked up with teary eyes as Taehyung held out his hands. "Look, Daddy's hands aren't cut and," Taehyung held Jungkook's hand to put it in his blonde hair, "Daddy doesn't have long black hair."

Jungkook's breathing calmed as he messed with Taehyung's hair, managing go get it into a tight knot and pulling his hand out, causing Taehyung to yelp in pain. The loud noise made Jungkook flinch and begin crying, "I sowwy... I hurt Daddy..."

Taehyung pulled Jungkook's face to look at him and smiled a boxy smile and laughed, "No no no, baby, Daddy's not hurt. You just surprised me, hun, Daddy is okay!" Jungkook was expressionless for a moment before giggling and laughing loudly when Taehyung began to make funny faces and poke his sides.

"How about, you and I go downstairs and watch cartoons on the big tv instead of YouTube so we don't get anymore ads?" Taehyung asked as Jungkook eagerly nodded and picked up his bunny, holding Taehyung's hand as they made their way down the stairs.

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