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Genre: fluff

Little Yoongi

This is really short but I am working on a longer little Jin thing right now and wanted to post something to say that I changed my profile name from ThatStarBoyJames to ThatOneStarKid

I didn't want any confusion and I also didn't want a chapter that was only an update so here is this really (really really) short story


Yoongi ran around happily as he had just finished his cold poptart he had miraculously opened all by himself. He picked up his stuffie and headed straight to his daddy's office.

"Daddy!" Yoongi yelled happily, his daddy not giving any attention until Yoongi realized he had his headphones on.

Taehyung sighed as he pulled off his head phones, not hearing anything before pulling them back on, unaware that his boyfriend, who was currently in little space, was behind him in the doorway. He continued to work on some song Namjoon had asked Yoongi to work on, he tried his hardest to work due to Yoongi having been in little space for a few days and being unable to work. Being completely honest, Taehyung didn't do much when working on songs because Big Yoongi would eventually change it at one point but that was okay.

Once Taehyung had pulled his headphones back on, Yoongi whined, "Daddy... I wanna play! Uh... Let's play hide n' seek!" The little jumped around happily before holding his stuffie tight to his chest. "You count and I'll hide! Good luck, daddy!" And with that, Yoongi was out the door.

Taehyung could feel the shaking of Yoongi's feet hitting the ground roughly and he pulled off his headphones, turning around to not see anyone there. He sighed and turned back around.

"Daddy's never gonna find me..." Yoongi said happily as he climbed into his closet and shut the door. Darkness took over the small, cramped room and Yoongi whimpered slightly. He hated the dark but he was positive his Daddy wouldn't find him but would give up and he'd be able to win.

A few minutes in and all of the possible light was from the crack under the door and Yoongi started to worry. He didn't care if he won, he just wanted his daddy to find him and get him out.

"Aaaand... save..." Taehyung said as he saved an audio file and pulled off his headphones. He had been working non-stop for about an hour and it was well spent. Taehyung was confident in what he had worked on, the beat sounded a bit off but that was something Namjoon or Yoongi could fix.

As he looked around, he realized Yoongi was no where to be seen. "Must be napping..." Taehyung said as he left his office and went down the stairs to grab a drink and sat to watch some television. He'd check on Yoongi after an episode or so.

"D-Daddy?" Yoongi asked, reaching to the closet door and pulling on the handle. It wouldn't open. "Daddy!" He pushed against the door, tears streaming down his face as he jiggled and pulled in the handle frantically.

Taehyung turned his show off, wondering if he had actually heard something. When no noise was heard, he reached for the remote when he heard what made his heart stop beating in his chest.

"Daddy! Daddy" it was Yoongi, his voice sounded broken... like nothing Taehyung had ever heard before and his heart broke on cue as he raced up the stairs, frantically looking around Yoongi's bedroom.

"Daddy?!" Taehyung could hear the little voice come from the closet and he opened the door quickly to find Yoongi, tear soaked face looking up at him with red eyes and a shaking body. "Why didn't you f-find me?"

Taehyung looked at him with confusion, "I thought you were sleeping, baby, I've been working..."

"But... hide n' seek..." Yoongi whined, Taehyung hugging him close to his body to comfort his still shaking figure.

"Baby boy, I didn't know you were playing... I'm so sorry..." Taehyung said as he pulled Yoongi back to look at him. Tears still wetter his face. "How about the rest of the day gets to be a Daddy and Yoonie Day?"

A quick nod from the little made Taehyung laugh as he picked Yoongi up on his hip and left the scary, dark closet behind.

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