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Genre: fluffy fluff

Little Jimin

Short but sweet (like Jimin... and Yoongi too since he's actually been looking shorter than Jimin lately)
I'm actually surprised I haven't done any Yoonmin stuff yet... so here it is because it's storming where I live and I don't like storms so here's cute fluff.

The thunder rumbled over Seoul as Yoongi waited for his boyfriend to clamber over into his bed from where he was sleeping on the floor in a sleeping bag.

Of course, Yoongi had wanted the little to sleep in bed but Jimin insisted on having a sleep over with all of his stuffies and a sleeping bag. Yoongi made a comfortable place for him to sleep on the floor and allowed him to stay there for the night.

Usually, during storms, Yoongi would have Jimin in his arms, who would shiveri
and whine as he petted his head and whispered sweet nothing's into his ear to calm him down and help him sleep again. But it didn't happen tonight.

Yoongi looked around the room, his eyes adjusting to the darkness before he glanced down at Jimin who he could tell was wide awake.

A flash of lightning illuminated their small room and Yoongi heard Jimin squeak and hold one of his many stuffies close in his arms. Yoongi could see Jimin petting and playing with the artificial fur on the toys head. He could see Jimin lightly rub the toys cheek next to it's nose and finally he planted a kiss on the toys forehead.

"It's okay, honey bear, Jiminie's here... no need to cry, baby, it's just light and noises... It won't hurt us in this strong house... I promise..." Jimin's voice was quiet and sweet as Yoongi heard him speak to his toy.

Yoongi smiled as he remembered saying things like that to Jimin a month or so back when it had last stormed.

"You're okay, baby, Jiminie is here to keep you safe and Daddy is here to keep Jiminie safe so we are both super duper safe from any sky monsters... Sky monsters are scary... really scary..." Jimin's voice was a low, nervous whisper before Yoongi heard shuffling and Jimin sniffing.

"D-Daddy, can I cuddle... The sky monsters wanna get me..." Jimin said as he climbed into bed, where he was originally supposed to sleep before he had insisted on a "sleep over".

"Of course, baby, you were really brave for your stuffies to make sure they were safe..." Yoongi praised as Jimin giggled, pulling the covers over himself and snuggling into Yoongi's warm chest.

"I was being a good daddy for my stuffies!"

"Yes, you were being a really good daddy, Jiminie, I was almost convinced you were!" Yoongi smiled. He thought Jimin did great but of course he knew Jimin was little the entire time.

"But I'm not! I'm a baby boy, Daddy, don' be silly... You're my daddy and I'm your baby boy!" Jimin said happily, his mind drifting off with the steady beat of Yoongi's heart.

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