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Genre: fluff and a little angst

Little Yoongi

This is also ot7 and way less angsty but look at the screenshot from the most recent Run BTS episode.

There is no way BigHit doesn't know about lil meow meow since they put baby tiger and not just like... normal tiger. And if BigHit knows there is a very high chance Yoongi knows so...


"What the fuck is this?" Yoongi said out loud as he held his phone out. From the other side of the lounge room, Seokjin was ready to scold Yoongi for such foul language as well as was Hoseok. Moments later Jimin and Namjoon came in, asking if everything was alright.

"Hyung, why are you cursing?" Jimin asked, confused and concerned that something bad had happened and Yoongi was mad about it.

Yoongi sighed with a scowl and showed his phone to the younger boy. On the screen was pictures of Yoongi, a lot of cutie filters and stickers on selfies he had taken to make him look like an adorable little baby. Some with bunny ears or hearts or stars but most of them were kitten ears and cat related stickers.

"Lil meow meow... is that a thing?" Jimin asked, causing the others in the room to look around confused before they saw all of the photos, they were really cute photos though. Most of them did make him look like a little kitten.

"I never knew this was a thing, it has a bunch of posts on the tag though and videos... I think it's cute, Yoongi," Seokjin said as he patted Yoongi's head with a smile.

"I'm not a fucking cat!" Yoongi yelled, pulling away from Seokjin's touch and scowling. The loud yell earning the attention of both Jungkook and Taehyung who had been playing games in maknae's room down the hall.

"Yoongi, why do you hate it so much? You know little Yoongi would love this-"

"But I'm not little right now, Namjoon! What am I supposed to do if I want to post Agust D related content and all people are going to think is 'wow he looks like a baby kitten' or something stupid!"

Both Jungkook and Taehyung were checking Yoongi's phone as well, trying not to coo at the cute edits and pictures. Jimin and Hoseok were sat in the corner talking as Seokjin and Namjoon were attempting to calm Yoongi down enough for them to try and make him feel better about it or something.

"Baby?" Hoseok asked towards the three in the middle of the room. Seokjin and Namjoon silenced as well as did Jungkook and Taehyung on the other side of the room. Yoongi on the other hand growled, it wasn't that intimidating though as it normally would have been... he actually did sort of sound like a little kitten.

"I'm not little, I don't have time to be little and if you're too much of a dumbass to realize that I'm not going to slip, then maybe you should just shut the fuck up!" Yoongi snapped, walking to the two youngest, stealing his phone back and glancing at the photos.

He did think he looked like a little kitten or a baby in most of them but at the same time, it made him upset, worried that people would no longer take him serious or something. Yoongi attempted to leave the lounge but standing cross armed in the doorway was Hoseok.

"I don't think a little boy like you needs to be saying such big words, baby..." Hoseok spoke in a firm voice, causing Yoongi to look away with a scowl and a sigh.

"Out of my way, Hoseok," Yoongi said firmly, a voice Yoongi only ever heard when he was in big trouble when he was little. Of course the voice effected no one in the room. None of his caregivers seemed to care that Yoongi had brought out the "Daddy Voice" and unless the voice was being used towards Yoongi, it didn't effect him at all.

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