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Genre: angst and fluff

Little Jimin


Hoseok growled as he dragged Jimin into the lounge from where they all had been outside coming from the car. "What the actual fuck, Jimin?!"

"What?" Jimin asked, an attitude in his voice as he sighed and tapped his foot impatiently. Hoseok glared at the younger boy.

"You don't get to tap your foot and look annoyed, I'm the one who has to pull you off of some stranger who was flirting with you and decided to compliment your new hair!"

Jimin brushed his pink hair out of his face and sighed, "We were out for dinner as a group. It wasn't even a date and he wasn't all over he me he only asked for my number and-"

"He asked for your number?! You didn't give it to him did you?!"

Jimin scoffed and sat on the couch, "I mean, he really wanted it so-" that's when Jimin's phone went off and he check it, bringing Hoseok's attention to the younger's cellphone. "Nice to get your number, cotton candy cutie, I'm the server from your meal tonight. Thanks for a tip by the way 'winky emoji'."

"What fucking tip? We all worked out the tip to be fair on all of us... Did you add any money to the tip?"

"Just like... ten dollars maybe, it wasn't even that much-" Jimin tried to defend as he typed a reply out onto his phone for the mystery server he hadn't remembered the name tag of.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" That's when the others started to join into the house, Yoongi walking to his respective room and Jungkook and Taehyung quickly walking through the lounge to their seperate rooms. Seokjin and Namjoon silently made there way across the two's fight to the kitchen where Jimin was sure they were about to make out in.

With the buzzing sound of Jimin's mystery server responding, Hoseok nearly lost it, watching Jimin type out his replies and smile or giggle a bit with a red face. His boyfriend, the one in the room began to fume, wanting nothing more than to kick that server so hard, his foot was lost in his ass but he just stood there.

"Jimin, hand me the phone..." Hoseok said in a low voice. Causing Jimin to look up from his phone momentarily only to shake his head and then continued typing away. "Give me the phone or bend over the armrest."

"What?" Jimin looked up and put his phone down, "Why the hell do you want me to bend over the armrest? Are you going to spank me or something?" Jimin teased, going to pick his phone back up but noticing that Hoseok's face was clear. "Hobi, I'm not little right now there's no need to punish me like you'd punish little Minnie-"

That was when Jimin felt Hoseok hand around his wrist and he was dragged and bent over the side of the couch on the armrest.

"W-What are you... Hobi stop-" Jimin was silenced when he let out a squeak as a hard... a really hard slap came down on his backside. A lot harder than Hobi would have ever spanked little Minnie and that's when Jimin noticed the clear difference between this being a big space punishment and not a little space punishment.

Hoseok didn't need to worry about causing mental strain on Jimin since he wasn't in little space, meaning in reality, Hoseok could be rougher, way rougher and unless something crazy happened he wasn't really going to stop. Not unless something crazy happened...

Hoseok slapped Jimin's behind about ten more times before the younger began telling him to stop.

"H-Hobi hyung... stop I-" another hit and another squeak as Jimin covered his face and Hoseok growled.

"You think when I asked you to stop flirting tonight you actually listened and stopped touching that guys clearly weak biceps?! And how in any relationship it's clear not to fucking cheat... you didn't stop... You didn't fucking listen."

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