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Genre: fluff

Little Hoseok

Another short length story... but I'm planning on writing some longer ones soon.


The seven boys laughed as the television played over the sounds of the rain outside. It was warm and cozy in the apartment building so they all felt safe as the movie played.

Once it was over, the lights were flicked on by Yoongi who laughed at everyone groaning and shielding their eyes at the sudden brightness.

Hoseok was the second to stand up, getting the disc out of the movie player when Jimin spoke up.

"Hyung? Why are your pants wet?" Everyone was looking at Hoseok who turned around mortified. Putting his hands on the back of his pants he felt a wet spot and if he craned his neck enough he could see it as well.

"I don't know-"

"Did you wet yourself, hyung?" Jungkook asked, laughing as Taehyung and Jin quietly laughed along. Hoseok's eyes felt teary as he scrambled off towards the bathroom. He struggled to fix the door handle as he stumbled into the bathroom and removed his shorts, his boxers wet as well.

He would have known if he had wet himself, he would have felt that so why... why were his pants wet? He looked around and pulled a towel out of the linen closet and sat on it, putting his wet clothes in a pile. He felt like crying... and that was exactly what he did.

Namjoon had looked around frantically after Hoseok left, warning everyone to stop laughing and he walked towards the bathroom, "Hoseok?"

An answer didn't come until Namjoon saw the door open and Hoseok stood there, a towel wrapped snuggly around his waist and his eyes were teary.

"Daddy..." was all Namjoon heard until he hugged Hoseok tightly and closed the door behind them in the bathroom. Hoseok had slipped into little space... but when?

"Hobi... Baby boy, did you wet yourself? Please tell the truth to Daddy..." Namjoon said in a calm voice as Hoseok sobbed and shook his head.

"I didn' Daddy... I didn' pee... I pwomise I didn'..." Hoseok looked broken but Namjoon didn't exactly believe him fully, he might have on accident. Maybe slipped while the movie was going on and did it on accident.

But something just didn't add up. The movie they were watching had adult themes and if Hoseok would have slipped while watching that then he would have hid his face in Namjoon's chest and possibly whined or yelled. So there was no way Hoseok had slipped...

"Baby boy, I need to go real quick to put your clothes in the wash... can you be a big boy and sit here?"

"B-But... Daddy don't think Hopie big boy... I didn' pee but Daddy think I did and only little babies pee... I want Daddy to know I big boy..." Hoseok's eyes were teary and he looked so tired as Namjoon slowly left the bathroom to go into the living room.

"Are you joking, Jungkook?" Jin asked with all seriousness.

"I didn't mean to, hyung! I didn't know the rest was still wet and-"

"And you just made fun of Hoseok and said he had wet himself? You need to apologize-"

"What's going on here?" Namjoon cut off Yoongi as he entered the room, Jimin and Taehyung were sat on opposite sides of the room as Jin, Yoongi and Jungkook were on the other side, close to the couch Hoseok had been sitting on.

"Jungkook, would you like to tell Namjoon what you did?" Jin asked, clearly upset with the maknae.

"Uh... I spilled my water on the seat when I was drinking it earlier and... I tried to clean the seat but it wasn't fully dry... That's why hyung's pants were wet..." Jungkook said, his head down as he avoided any upset stare Namjoon sent.

Namjoon looked around for a moment before sighing, "It's alright, Kook, just clean it up..." Namjoon quickly left to put Hoseok's wet clothes in the washer and rushed back to the little who had been sitting in the same spot the whole time.

"Hey, baby, Kookie spilled his drink on the seat you sat on... That's why your pants were wet."

"So... So Daddy knows I'm big boy?" Hoseok asked, looking up at Namjoon with tears still in his eyes as he reached up for Namjoon to hold him.

"Of course, baby boy, I know you're a big boy... I'm sorry I didn't believe you and I'm sorry that the others laughed... Jungkook is sorry for not cleaning up his mess... can you forgive me?"

The little smiled, nodding his head happily while giggling, "Hopie always forgives Daddy!"

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