Chapter 34 - Different

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All three of them were silent when they were heading back to their penthouse, not because Oxford and Fier are tired, they are still surprised for what Ray did to the family. Ray was also quiet during the trip, he was staring at the window. When they arrived back at the garage, they retrieved the paper bags and went to the lobby to the elevators. Like always, Oxford was the first to walk into the penthouse while also holding the door open for the two. They placed their purchases on the kitchen table also separating the food from cleaning products. Ray was taking out the objects that they bought from the paper bags and placed them on the kitchen countertop, while Oxford and the robot moved away.

"What do you think?.", said Oxford to Fier who was standing nearby.

"I don't understand.", replied Fier.

"Do you think he is safe or unsafe?", questioned Oxford.

"I don't have the answer for that, for now.", said Fier as he watched the man folded and hid the paper bags away from the kitchen and into a cabinet under the sink.

Ray was about to put the vegetables in the fridge but Oxford stopped him after he noticed that the sun has started to set. Oxford walked to the kitchen, grabbed a few vegetables and began to wash them in the sink.

"Do you do that also?", Ray questioned Oxford.

"Do what?", Oxford turned his head to his right, facing Ray.

"Give help to other people?", said Ray.

Before Oxford answered, he first glanced at the robot who was standing behind Ray, listening to their conversation, and then back to Ray, who was looking at him, waiting for his answer.

"No.", replied Oxford.

"Are you sure?", Ray asked.

"Yes.", answered Oxford.

"You just gave away three packs of biscuits, isn't that something for you?", Ray questioned as he turned around and was greeted by Fier.

"You're different.", said Oxford as he placed the vegetables on a chopping board.

Ray sighed when he placed two plates on the countertop, near to Oxford. While the two men were busy, Fier grabbed a knife from a cabinet unnoticeably, he then aimed it at Ray.

"Catch.", Oxford said while also shoring the knife at him.

Oxford was only expecting that he might get Ray hurt, but both of his eyes widened when he caught Ray seized the knife, leaving a small space of three inches away from his face. He kept his eyes on the knife even when Ray placed it on the countertop.

"At least you tried.", said Ray as he looked at the robot, who was still in a human form.

Oxford smiled at Fier after he prepared the plates and also moved them to the table. He sat down on the chair and started to eat his dinner while Ray also sat down after a few minutes since he placed the knife back in the cabinet. While the two were eating, Fier gave Oxford a request to bring him back to his original form, and he did, after that he went to the living room and sat down on the sofa, where he usually spends his time, sitting, watching television, and enjoying the view are one of the things he did just to distract him. The penthouse was filled with silence even though Ray and Oxford have finished eating their dinner, which is a salad. None of them didn't start a conversation, so Ray went to his bedroom and Oxford went to his also, leaving Fier alone in the living area.

Oxford was sitting on his bed when his phone buzzed. He checked and found out that Ony messaged him. He then checked if the door is locked before standing up while contacting Ony. He figured the reason why he told him to call him is about the memory card.

"What is it?", questioned Oxford immediately after Ony answered the call.

"Yeah... even our computers can't seem to access it, I tried everything, even the ones in the vault, which surprised me because they are still functioning very well after the raid.", replied Ony.

Oxford took a deep breathe as he massaged his forehead with his left hand while also sitting back down on the bed.

"Have you tried the master computer?", questioned Oxford.

There was a short pause in their conversation before Ony replied.

"No. You know that's illegal right?", he answered.

"I know.", replied Oxford.

"Have you tried giving it to Ray, see if he can access it?"

"I'm still thinking about it.", said Oxford when he looked down to his left at the red folder that is opened, showing its first page which is the basic information about Ray.

"Well better think fast because we all know that we have plans to do.", Ony told Oxford.

"I will.", replied Oxford before ending the call.

He plopped his phone on the bed, grabbed the red folder, laid back, and started to review its paper.

Ray was laying flat on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, wondering what would the world looked like if there's no poverty, corruption, and greediness. He rolled to his left and stared at the laptop, which is in screen saver, resting on the desk. He was bored, so he decided to surf the internet for a while, just to keep himself accompanied. 

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