Chapter 57 - Black Folder

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"Pack your things... I'll tell my family that you have an emergency.", said Oxford to Ray before walking out of the bedroom.

Ray was looking down to the floor quietly, expecting Fier to talk. He then stood up and told the robot that he will be taking a shower and then he will pack up. Fier only stared at the man with silence even when Ray walked into the bathroom.

Oxford was telling his family that Ray need to go due to an emergency. Zinnia and Azalea are sitting on the sofa when Oxford told them, straight to the point. There was a moment of silence right after.

"Ok...", replied both the mother and the daughter.

Oxford blinked curiously at them when he only heard one word from them, without even signs of emotions. He pulled out his phone when he left their sight. He decided to try to contact his friend Chap once again. He only heard it ringing on the other end but he didn't answer, at least he got to know that the phone is working again and hoped that it remained that way.

He walked just across the hallway, going back to Ray's bedroom, hoping that he has already packed his things. Fier was nowhere to be seen in their hotel room, he guessed that he went out for a walk to get some fresh air. Oxford sat back down on the edge of the bed when he found that Ray is taking a shower and his things are still not kept, they are just laying everywhere in the room. He knows that it will take longer for Ray to pack his things, so he decided to start to gather and organise Ray's belongings.

Ray walked out of the bathroom already wearing his white general uniform, paired with a white general hat with a black lining around it. Ray looked down at Oxford who was kneeled down on the floor when he opened the door.

"Did Fier tell you where he went?", questioned Oxford to Ray in an upright position.

"He's in his bedroom, haven't you checked?", replied Ray when he was folding the towel and placed it into the luggage.

As Oxford was about to open his mouth, they heard someone knocking on the front door. Oxford told Ray to continue to pack his thing while he answered the door. Somehow, Oxford found Fier sitting on the sofa, in human form, watching him as he was walking towards the door. Oxford opened it and there he was greeted by the same two men who they met moments ago. The man on the right, who Oxford recognised to be Sil, raised his right sleeve, showing the code again.

"You two... how did you know where we are staying?", questioned Oxford with a serious look whilst moving his right hand behind his back unnoticeably, signalling Fier.

Ray stopped and peeked to know to whom is Oxford talking. He looked at Fier who is just sitting there, watching and listening to their conversation. When Oxford and Sit were still talking, Sil's partner found a man sitting on the couch, he nudged Sil and then told him about the witness. Oxford stopped talking when the two men aren't focusing on him.

"I'll take care of it.", said Sil to his partner and then he turned to Oxford. "Sorry, he's new.", said Sil to Oxford and paused for a few seconds to inhale. "Sion will call you now.", he added.

"I don't know what you are talking about.", replied Oxford when suddenly he started to feel his phone vibrating in his right side pocket. He started to act like he's proving Sil wrong.

"Answer the phone, Oxford.", said Sil in a serious voice and Oxford followed his order.

Oxford was shocked that Sion is the one who is calling. He slightly hid his face from the two men who are still standing in the hallway. At this time, Ray has finished packing his stuff and ready to leave, he is just waiting for the three. After a few minutes, Oxford put down his phone and sighed shortly. He looked up to the two men whilst he stood aside, letting them in. Sil and his partner walked straight to Ray's bedroom. Ray was sitting on the bed, waiting, when the door opened and Sil stepped inside, looking at him.

Ray immediately stood up and did nothing as the two men grabbed his luggage and dragged it out of the bedroom. Oxford walked in when the two men left.

"It's time for you to go.", announced Oxford in a depressing tone.

Ray only nodded at the man before walking out of the bedroom empty-handed. Sil told his partner to stay with Ray.

"You two Fier.", said Sil to the man who is still resting on the couch.

Oxford's eye and Fier's eyes widened after Sil talked.

"So you knew?", questioned Oxford when he approached Sil from the side.

"Of course Oxford, we're not idiots.", answered Sil.

Oxford moved away while also shutting his mouth. He leaned against a wall, with arms crossed, and watched the people walk around the room. He looked at Ray who was signing something in the black folder, which made him tilt his head slightly to his left. Every black folder contains a contract and if the person signed it, that person will become one of the elites. For someone to receive a black folder, that person needs to prove itself to the high societies that he can do something special. Oxford knows that he is not an elite, just like his mentor, and he cannot stop Sil and his partner from what they are doing.

Fier walked out of his room, still in his human form, followed by Sil who was dragging the robot's luggage. Sil told the robot to stand next to Ray as he was walking towards Oxford.

"We know everything about you, Oxford, and it's too late to erase it.", said Sil in a spooky tone.

"You stole a robot which was already marked as a private property, and for having a family.", added Sil when he nodded his head twice before moving away from the man.

"Don't touch them.", replied Oxford with bravery.

"Trust me, we aren't the ones who are going to touch them.", Sil countered.

Sil's partner lead Ray and Fier out of the room with their belongings while Sil stood in the doorway, his right hand was resting on the handle when he said, "It's been nice having you with us.", and then closed the door gently on him. 

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