Chapter 39 - Files

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Ray was the first one to finish eating his lunch, Oxford became curious when he casually went back to his bedroom without saying a word, but after a few seconds, he shrugged it off and continued to eat his lunch. The robot was sitting on the sofa again, staring at the picture window that dominated the living room. Ray sat down on the swivel chair after closing the door shut. He opened the laptop and launched safari and on the search bar he typed '0188' and pressed enter after glancing at the door behind him.

Ray was sneaky when they were in the server room, while he was reactivating the cameras, he carefully inputted a code that will connect the MacBook Pro to the servers with or without internet and without setting off the alarms. A lot of files with pictures appeared on the screen, he immediately found Oxford's file after a few scrolls down. He clicked on it and another page opened. Ray started to read every information about him while also making quick glances at the door and placing the cursor at the 'x' button that closes the tab.

"I'm starting to think that Ray is completely a human.", said Oxford to Fier as he sat down and placed the red folder on the coffee table.

"A mutant.", Fier talked staring at him.

"He might be...", replied Oxford after letting out a short sigh. "Have you prepared for tomorrow? We will be leaving early.", he added.

"Yes, have you?", questioned the robot.

"I'm going to.", said Oxford before standing up, he patted Fier's right shoulder before going to his bedroom.

Ray has just finished reading Oxford's profile when Oxford started to pack his stuff. He closed the tab and even removed it from the browser's history, just in case. He remained seated on the chair as he tried to let every information that he gathered to sink in. He couldn't believe that Oxford will be quitting his job this month. Ray though Azalea was joking...

"You alright?", Oxford questioned after knocking on the door.

"Yes.", answered Ray when he turned his chair around.

Oxford opened the door and walked in.

"Are you ready for tomorrow? We will be leaving tomorrow early.", he asked and Ray shook his head gently.

"If you need anything, just let me know.", said Oxford before walking out of the room slowly.

Ray wanted to ask him a question about quitting his job this month, but he decided to keep his mouth shut until the time comes. Now he knows why he is his forty-eighth test subject and probably his last. He wanted to know more even though it is risky but he turned his chair back around, opened the laptop, typed the same address and started to read everyone's information. He doesn't need to prepare for tomorrow since he has nothing except for his white general uniform, even at this point, he too doesn't know why is he wearing this kind of clothing.

"No wonder why you asked me if I can work with you...", murmured Ray when he read something from Ony's profile.

Out of nowhere, Ray heard a knock on the door so he immediately closed the tab, and the laptop and quickly turned around to face the door. The door opened and a robot walked in.

"I have a question.", said the robot.

"Go for it.", replied Ray.

"What do you want to be when you grow up?", questioned the robot.

"Probably an entrepreneur.", answered Ray after a few seconds of pause.

"Interesting choice...", Fier commented when he sat on the bed.

They were silent for a moment as they stare at each other, waiting for one of them to start another conversation.

"Did Oxford create you?", Ray let out a question out of nowhere.

"Yes.", the robot answered after a few seconds of him decided if he should tell the truth or not.

"I see... so you've been in the facility also?", Ray moved his chair closer to the bed.

"Y-Yes.", Fier lied.

"Ok... so uhm... have you ever get a glimpse of what is on the other side of the metal doors?", Ray asked with a slightly low tone.

"No, I'm sorry.", answered the robot.

"Mind if I join your conversation?", another questioned was heard from Oxford suddenly who was watching them from the doorway, leaning on the wall in front of the door.

Ray and Fier nodded at him as a reply. Oxford walked in and sat on the bed, next to the robot.

"Oxford.", Ray called.

Oxford turned to Ray, "What is it?"

"What does the vault contains?", questioned Ray, slightly tilting his head to his left.

"Files.", answered Oxford.

"What kind of files?", Ray continued on.

"Papers... they define and contain the history of what is behind the metal doors that you are so curious about.", replied Oxford. After a short pause, "For an example... you know The ark of the covenant?", a question followed and Ray nodded with a serious look.

"One of those metal doors contains that priceless and ancient object. Did you see the numbers printed on them?", Oxford said.

"Numbers?", Ray jerked his head.

"Each metal door has numbers written on it and those numbers correspond to the number of the file. The door number for The ark of the covenant is 17-4-25-3 and its file number is also 17-4-25-3. Plus, their files also have a key code written on the bottom right.", said Oxford with a small smile right after. Both Ray and Fier were looking at him, listening carefully.

"So... without them, you wouldn't be able to open the metal doors?", questioned Ray.

"That is correct, forgot to add this, every file in the vault is written by The Writer..", answered Oxford without hesitating.

"Last question... how many are there?", Ray leaned closer and also the robot.

"Last year, we already have counted half a million and we are still counting this year.", answered the man plainly. 

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