Chapter 51 - Shoes

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Ray, Fier, and Oxford left the hotel after spending half an hour waiting in the room. Oxford told the two to wait at the entrance before leaving them to get his vehicle from the parking lot. Ray stood next to Fier when they were standing in the front foyer of the hotel, looking out at the window, waiting for Oxford's return. It only took them a few minutes before Oxford arrived at the front of the hotel.

"Shotgun.", said Fier when he walked out of the building and Ray followed behind him.

Inside the vehicle was filled with silence when they were travelling to the nearest mall. Fier, who is a robot, decided to fasten his seatbelt before they left the area. Ray, sitting behind the driver's seat, was looking out at the window, distracting himself from getting bored. They encountered traffics and a few choked up intersection points, but they have arrived at the mall after two consecutive hours. Oxford dropped Ray and Fier at the entrance of the building so that Oxford can park the car, he even told Ray to go find a store that suits him before he got out of the vehicle.

Ray and Fier entered the mall with a greeting of cold air at the entrance. They strolled around the mall, searching for a map or the stores in the mall. They went to the second floor and there they found the department store. They didn't enter the section immediately, they decided to wait for Oxford, so they leaned against the railings, near the escalator. Fier, who is wearing formal clothes, noticed that the people who are walking by are staring at Ray and Fier already knows what is the cause of it.

"Is it their first time seeing a person in a general uniform?", Ray questioned quietly to Fier as he avoids eye contact with the people around.

"Yes.", answered Fier who is also avoiding eye contact with the nearby people.

Oxford entered the mall and he immediately found Ray and Fier waiting for him on the second floor, near the escalator. He walked up to them after letting them know. They grouped up before walking to the department store. Fier voluntarily fetched a pushcart and returned to the group instantly. Ray and Oxford were having a conversation, not putting things in the cart yet, as they walked to the core of the section.

"So... what is your style or fashion?", questioned Oxford to Ray when they came to a stop when they arrived at the men's section.

"I have no idea.", answered Ray when he shook his head in front of Oxford.

"I'm a simple man, when I see something that I can wear that doesn't make fun of me, I'll buy it.", Fier talked out of nowhere.

"Follow me.", said Oxford to Ray when he started to walk again.

They first went to the shoe area and they were immediately greeted by salesmen and women. Ray moved closer Fier when Oxford approached a man who has a smile on his face. Oxford then turned around to Ray and called him and Ray responded by moving closer to the man. Oxford placed his left hand on Ray's right shoulder and led him to a metal bench and told Ray to sit down. Fier moved the cart next to him when he sat down next to Ray, keeping the cart in his grip.

Oxford also sat down next to Ray, after a few minutes, he suddenly told Ray to remove both of his shoes since the salesman will return with new one. Oxford leaned a little to get a look at how Ray will untie his shoes. He wasn't surprised that Ray can untie his shoelaces, he was focusing on his black shoes that appeared to not have a brand on it. Oxford asked Ray if he can take a closer look at the shoes and Ray handed him his shoes. The salesman returned with the shoes that Oxford requested. The man then gave the box to Ray so that he can test it by himself. While Ray was putting the shoes on, Oxford was examining his original shoes, searching for a logo or a brand name.

"It fits perfectly.", said Ray to Oxford and Fier when he stood up and walked around for a bit.

Oxford placed the shoes on the spot where Ray sat. He then looked up at the salesman and said, "We'll take it."

Ray took the brand new shoes off and placed it back to the box and placed the box into the cart. After spending almost an hour, the tree left the area and went to buy new clothes for Ray. Fier doesn't need new clothes, he can change the clothes whenever he wants and whatever he wants with just a click from the remote. When they were walking to the next area, where they will buy clothes, a man that looked like an American walked pass them with a husky following behind him without any leash. Fier, who is behind Ray and Oxford, noticed ray that he was staring at the dog moving away from them.

"Do you know what breed is that?", questioned Ray to Fier when he glanced at him.

"Husky.", answered Fier and Ray nodded back at him before looking at his front.

Oxford approached another salesman when they arrived at the clothes area. Ray automatically sat down when he found a bench nearby, while also keeping his eyes to Fier and Oxford in the distance. He watched Oxford grabbed a blue t-shirt that has some art printed in the middle.

"I don't like it.", said Ray to Oxford who is walking towards him with the t-shirt. 

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