The New Minister

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July 31, 1975

In the High Court of the Ministry of Magic, the entire Wizengamot has assembled. At the center of the room, EUGENIA JENKINS is seated in the defendant's chair. Seated among the Wizengamot is ALBUS and MINERVA, who sit quietly, watching the scene play out. From the high chair, a loud gavel echoes throughout the room.

BARTY CROUCH, SR.: Silence, silence! This proceeding is officially in session. Eugenia Jenkins, you have been summoned here today on the accusations of excessive pacifism in the face of the looming rise of the Dark Arts.

EUGENIA: (desperately) Barty, don't this, I beg you-

BARTY CROUCH, SR.: (removing a paper from a file) There have been several accounts of attacks on both Ministry employees and wizarding civilians on the grounds of impure magical heritage with absolutely no criminal justification from you. How do you explain yourself?

EUGENIA: You don't understand, Barty! This is bigger than any of us! Prejudice like this has been rooted in our society since Merlin walked the earth, it certainly isn't because of me!

BARTY CROUCH, SR.: Not to mention a criminal break-in at the Department of Mysteries eighteen months ago-

EUGENIA: There was a trial against Rookwood, you were there!

BARTY CROUCH, SR.: -a break-in which endangered the life of my son, might I add, as well as the fact that Augustus Rookwood has been cleared of all charges.

EUGENIA: Then you tell me who it was! And what they wanted in the Department of Mysteries!

BARTY CROUCH, SR.: Nevertheless, the matter of your position of Minister of Magic has been called into question by the Wizengamot-

EUGENIA: I AM the Minister! I was called to serve my people!

BARTY CROUCH, SR.: -and it is the decision of this council to formally impeach you from office and for your immediate succession by a more adept elected official.


ALBUS: (standing up) Let it be recorded that the service that Madame Jenkins has done for our society will not go unnoticed, and that Hogwarts incessantly continues to support her.

BARTY CROUCH, SR.: (slightly annoyed) Regardless, Dumbledore. The decision of the Wizengamot is final. Eugenia Jenkins, you are hereby removed from the office of Minister of Magic-

EUGENIA: You'll regret this someday, Crouch! You'll wish that I stayed! The Ministry will fall under the threat of the Dark Arts!

BARTY CROUCH, SR.: (signalling security) Take her away.

EUGENIA: You can't keep up this facade forever, Crouch! You won't be this powerful forever! You'll fall at the hands of one of your own, just as I have! Mark my words!

BARTY CROUCH, SR.: That is enough, Eugenia.

EUGENIA: Madame Jenkins, to you, Crouch! Unhand me! (She pulls her arm away from the guard, and stands up from her chair) I'll leave today. I'll go peacefully. But bear in mind, all of you- while today it is me, you all will fall. Someday.

EUGENIA turns around and walks out of the High Court, accompanied by two guards. BARTY CROUCH, SR.: sounds his gavel again.

BARTY CROUCH, SR.: Now, then. After a vote cast by the Wizengamot, I hereby announce that one of our own will rise as the Minister of Magic- Harold Minchum, you have been elected by this people to lead our society in the rising threat of the Dark Arts. Do you accept?

HAROLD: (rising from his seat) I do.

ALBUS and MINERVA give each other a silent stare, and slowly clap as the entire court begins to applaud the election of their new leader. 

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