The Minister at Hogwarts

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September 3, 1975

In an open corridor atop the seventh floor, ALBUS and MINERVA walk swiftly towards an abandoned fireplace etched in the wall.

MINERVA: When is he set to arrive, Albus?

ALBUS: Any moment now, I believe.

MINERVA: Is it- wise to have the Minister interfere at Hogwarts like this?

ALBUS: Oh, the Minister is not interfering at all, Minerva. He only wishes to meet the Order and discuss future legislations.

MINERVA: It just feels wrong. There needs to be a proper separation between academic institutions and government.

ALBUS: In times of peace, perhaps. Unfortunately, peace is not how we can describe our current state of affairs.

The fireplace begins to spew roaring green flames, and within seconds HAROLD steps out of the fire.

ALBUS: Good afternoon, Minister.

HAROLD: Headmaster.

ALBUS: I believe you've met my Deputy Headmistress, Minerva McGonagall?

HAROLD: Indeed. How do you do, ma'am?

MINERVA: (shaking his hand) Well. Thank you.

HAROLD: Where to, Albus?

ALBUS: Just down the hall to my office. Any news, Minister?

HAROLD: Nothing to speak of. We only just began accepting applications for new Unspeakables, after the whole fiasco eighteen months ago-

ALBUS: Indeed. Any standouts?

HAROLD: Just a fellow by the name of Rookwood, seems adept and quite personable-

ALBUS: Ah, here we are.

ALBUS opens the door to his office, where several people including MOLLY, ARTHUR, GIDEON, FABIAN, DEDALUS, HESTIA and several others are scattered around.

ALBUS: Ladies and gentlemen, the Minister has arrived.

HAROLD: Good afternoon. So, this is the infamous Order of the Phoenix that I've heard so much about.

MOLLY: (stepping forward) Indeed, sir. A pleasure to meet you. I'm Molly Weasley, this is my husband Arthur, and my brothers Gideon and Fabian.

HAROLD: (shaking her hand) You've been loyal to this Order since the beginning, have you not?

ARTHUR: Yes, sir.

HESTIA: Hestia Jones, sir.

DEDALUS: (removing his hat) Dedalus Diggle, at your service!

EMMELINE: Emmeline Vance, Minister.

HAROLD: A pleasure to finally meet all of you. I do apologize for the treatment of this organization under my predecessor's term of service, but as I have told the Headmaster, your Order has full permission to operate publicly. I want you to recruit as many as possible to your cause, and to use the Ministry as your Headquarters. Lord Voldemort, as he is known, will not stand as a threat to your government any longer. We can fight this, if and only if we fight together.

The Order gives the new Minister a round of applause, and MINERVA offers ALBUS a small, hopeful smile. 

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