Andromeda's Mission

136 10 0

May 21, 1976

In the Headmaster's office, ALBUS sits behind his desk, examining a mysterious bowl filled with a wispy substance. The windows to the office are open, letting in the fresh spring air and sunlight. A quiet knock is heard on his door.

ALBUS: (serenely) Come in.

The door opens, and ANDROMEDA enters, wearing a thin black cloak. She smiles at ALBUS and quietly closes the door.

ALBUS: Ah, Madame Tonks. Please, come in.

ANDROMEDA: Thank you, Headmaster. I hope I'm not interrupting anything?

ALBUS: (waving aside the wispy substance) No, no, not at all.

ANDROMEDA: (smiling) What exactly have I stumbled upon, here?

ALBUS: Well, as you get older, you often find that you have too many thoughts and memories crammed into your head. This device helps me sort through such thoughts to find links and patterns. It's called a Pensieve.

ANDROMEDA: Interesting.

ALBUS: But, sadly, we are not here to discuss such things.

ALBUS magically levitates the Pensieve to the cabinet where it is stored.

ALBUS: So. Your actions at the Ministry were very valiant indeed, and they do not go unnoticed.

ANDROMEDA: Thank you, Headmaster.

ALBUS: But, as you are already aware, your position in this war is incredibly unique. Your older sister, dear Bellatrix, who likes to play with her food before she eats it- she is growing stronger as Voldemort's chief lieutenant. And as it seems, your younger sister, Narcissa, seems to have followed her footsteps.

ANDROMEDA: It would appear that way, yes.

ALBUS: I can only begin to understand what you are going through, Madame Tonks. I myself had some issues with my brother when we were young- issues that last into the current day. But I'm afraid that it might be too emotional for you to confront them again.

ANDROMEDA: Confront my sisters? Too emotional?

ALBUS: Yes. I am concerned that entering the battlefield again will be too painful for you.

ANDROMEDA: I appreciate your concern, Headmaster, but I'm stronger than I appear. I'm more than capable of assisting the Order in the near future. I am at your service.

ALBUS: This is war, Andromeda. You realize what this means? If the event were to come when you are presented with a kill-or-be-killed situation with Bellatrix, do you think you could take her life?

ANDROMEDA opens her mouth to respond, but remains silent. After a moment, she wipes a small tear from her eyes. ALBUS, sensing her discomfort, drops the subject.

ALBUS: How is your daughter?

ANDROMEDA: (smiling slightly) She's very well.

ALBUS: How old is she now?

ANDROMEDA: Three. And she looks more like her father every day. I don't know if we told you yet, but she appears to have been attributed a rare series of powers-

ALBUS: Indeed?

ANDROMEDA: Yes, she has some concealment and appearance-changing abilities. I believe those with it are called, umm- a Metamorphmagus.

ALBUS: Ah, yes. Metamorphmagi are extremely rare, but also extremely useful. Your daughter is very lucky. She will make an excellent Auror one day.

ANDROMEDA: Perhaps. Perhaps.

ANDROMEDA gets up and walks over to the open window, gazing over the now-empty Hogwarts grounds.

ANDROMEDA: I never truly realized how beautiful this place was. I miss it terribly, sometimes.

From the sky, Fawkes the phoenix lets out a beautiful song as he flies towards the Castle. He spreads his wings and swiftly soars through the window and lands on his pedestal. ALBUS smiles as he pets the bird.

ALBUS: I was wondering where he had gotten off to.

ANDROMEDA: I always admired that bird.

ALBUS rises and stands next to ANDROMEDA.

ANDROMEDA: I could do it, you know. If I had to.

ALBUS: No one expects that of you, Andromeda.

ANDROMEDA: I know. But she deserves it. I've known it ever since I was a girl. If Bellatrix and I have to face each other again, I won't disappoint you, I promise.

Together, the two stand in peace as they continue to take in the scene in front of them, looking out over the beautiful, sunlit horizon.

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