The Gryffindor Prefects

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August 21, 1975

Inside Flourish and Blotts in Diagon Alley, LILY and MARY are quietly perusing the bookshelves, carrying with them their new book lists for fifth year.

MARY: Where did Marlene get off to?

LILY: I'm not sure. I think she got lost at Madame Primpernelle's again.

MARY: Oh, well. Hopefully she gets her new books at some point.

LILY: Did you get One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi yet?

MARY: No, did you find it?

LILY: Yeah, it's right here. (She takes another copy and hands to to MARY).

MARY: (glancing towards the entrance) Oh, no. Look who it is.

LILY turns around to the entrance of the store, where REMUS steps into the shop. LILY smiles and goes to greet him.

LILY: (smiling) Remus Lupin. Fancy seeing you here.

REMUS: Lily Evans, in a bookshop? No way. (He and LILY hug, while MARY walks quietly past them).

LILY: Hey, where are you going?

MARY: I'm gonna go see where Marlene got off to. You two stay and catch up. (she exits the store).

LILY: What's new?

REMUS: Haven't you heard? (He pulls out his Prefect badge and shows it to her).

LILY: (smiling) And I thought it might've been Potter. (She holds out her own Prefect badge, and the two laugh before hugging again).

LILY: This is awesome! I can't believe we're gonna be Prefects together!

REMUS: It'll be a fun year.

LILY: I can't wait to start taking away points from Potter and Black, I swear to Merlin. Those two are in for it.

REMUS: Don't be too hard on them.

LILY: Yeah, yeah. Did you get your books already?

REMUS: Yeah, I was just gonna return this old one. (He holds a copy of "The Standard Book of Spells: Grade 4").

LILY: Well, hurry up. We've got places to go and people to meet.

REMUS: Oh, relax, Evans. (He goes up to the desk and hands the book and his documentation to the clerk).

LILY: Heard about Severus?

REMUS: What about him?

LILY: He was made Prefect, too. In Slytherin.

REMUS: That oughta be fun. Talk about taking away points from James and Sirius.

LILY: (laughing) Yeah, I guess those two had better watch their step.

The clerk hands REMUS his receipt, and LILY begins dragging him out of the store.

LILY: Come on, I want to get some ice cream before they close!

REMUS laughs as he and LILY exit the store, rushing down the crowded street towards Florean Fortescue's

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