Epilogue: 33 Years Later

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August 7, 2009

The door to the abandoned store of BORGIN and BURKE'S opens, and ANDROMEDA and NARCISSA enter quietly, gazing over the scene. The shelves hold dusty, broken objects, and several of the windows have been broken, casting shards of glass over the floors.

ANDROMEDA: It looks like no one's been here for decades.

NARCISSA: The shop closed down after- after You-Know-Who's downfall. It's been eleven years.

ANDROMEDA: (coldly) I know how long it's been.

NARCISSA nods her head, and retreats to the back room. ANDROMEDA reluctantly follows her.

NARCISSA: I can't believe it's still here... (she walks over to the abandoned Vanishing Cabinet, which is now missing a door and appears more broken than ever).

ANDROMEDA: She used it again, you know. To break into Hogwarts the night they killed Dumbledore. And this time, your son was the one who mended it.

NARCISSA: He did what he had to do to protect his family. Just like we did.

ANDROMEDA: Don't give me that rubbish again, Narcissa. Tell me what you really wanted to tell me.

NARCISSA sighs, and gazes at her sister.

NARCISSA: I need you to know what happened, at the very end.

ANDROMEDA: I know what happened. You refused to stand up to Voldemort, you held Harry Potter hostage in your own home, nearly killing him in the process, and-

NARCISSA: I saved Harry Potter's life! In the Forbidden Forest! I knew that he was alive, but I lied to Voldemort in order to get back to my son!

ANDROMEDA: How noble of you. Is this how you justify your actions, after all these years?

NARCISSA: (hesitating) Yes, it is. The Ministry certainly seemed to think so. I'm not in Azkaban, after all.

ANDROMEDA: Well, everything's not all forgiven with me.

NARCISSA: You know, I didn't fight with the Death Eaters at the Battle of Hogwarts, Andromeda! Neither I nor Lucius had a wand, and once we found Draco, we walked away!

ANDROMEDA: I don't care what you did or didn't do during the Battle of Hogwarts, Narcissa. What truly breaks my heart is how you defended Bellatrix for so many years, even after I warned you of the dangers she posed.

NARCISSA: She was still my sister, Andromeda. Just as you were. I couldn't just leave like you did-

ANDROMEDA: She was a murderer, Cissy! She killed my daughter, she made my grandson an orphan!

NARCISSA: If- if I knew she was capable of that, you must know that I-

ANDROMEDA: I told you what she was capable of! But you were willingly blind to it all! You chose not to understand, you chose not to run away!

NARCISSA: I had something I couldn't run away from! I had a family, I simply couldn't leave.

ANDROMEDA: (sighing) Your devotion to your family is admirable. But it clouds your judgment, Narcissa.

NARCISSA: I just- I just need you to know that- that if I could have saved Nymphadora, I- I would have.

ANDROMEDA: I believe you. I still believe that you are a good person, deep down. But I'm never going to find a way to forgive Bellatrix, and I advise you to quit wasting your time attempting to do so.

NARCISSA: I don't forgive her for everything. I saw her, on the battlefield. I saw her, and how she slaughtered her enemies. I won't forgive her, and I'm glad that she's dead.

ANDROMEDA silently nods, and for a moment, the two sisters stand in silence.

NARCISSA: Do you remember what you told me, the night you left Hogwarts?

ANDROMEDA: (nodding) I told you that I loved you, and that you would always be my sister. I still do, and you always will be.

ANDROMEDA turns around and leaves NARCISSA alone in the ruins of the shop. Carefully wiping a tear from her eyes, she exits the shop and sweeps down the streets of Knockturn Alley until the arrives at the main street of Diagon Alley.

TED: Grandma!

TEDDY LUPIN runs towards ANDROMEDA, who kneels down and hugs her grandson tightly.

ANDROMEDA: I love you, Teddy. I always will.

Further down the alley, HARRY and VICTOIRE approach them, each carrying an ice-cream cone.

VICTOIRE: Look, Mrs. Tonks! Uncle Harry got us ice cream!

ANDROMEDA: (laughing) He did, did he? And is Uncle Harry aware of how angry someone's parents might be that their daughter is eating ice cream before dinner?

HARRY: I'll keep it a secret if you will.

ANDROMEDA smiles, and turns around to gaze over the empty street behind her once moe.

HARRY: (grasping her arm) Hey. Is everything okay?

ANDROMEDA: Yes, yes- everything's fine, Harry, dear.

HARRY: What did Narcissa want?

ANDROMEDA: She just- I'll tell you about it later, all right?

HARRY: (nodding) Okay.

ANDROMEDA: Anyway, I think that's enough shopping for one day! We better get you kids back home, Bill and Fleur must be worried sick-

HARRY: Is dinner at Shell Cottage tonight?

ANDROMEDA: No, Molly and Arthur are hosting tonight, we're off to the Burrow. Come along, you two-

Together, HARRY, ANDROMEDA, TEDDY, and VICTOIRE walk back down the crowded streets of Diagon Alley. Behind them, NARCISSA silently watches them leave. She briefly smiles before departing the mall herself.

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