Your Fight Is My Fight

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July 31, 1975

In the office of the Minister of Magic, HAROLD takes a seat behind the large mahogany desk while ALBUS seats himself in one of the chintz armchairs across fmo him.

HAROLD: Brandy, Albus?

ALBUS: Certainly, Minister. I do believe celebrations are in order.

HAROLD: (pouring two glasses of brandy) No time for celebrating, Albus. We've got work to do.

ALBUS: (taking a glass and drinking from it) Indeed, we do.

HAROLD: So. Tell me about this Order of the Phoenix.

ALBUS: Under your predecessor's term, I was forced to organize an anti-Dark Arts movement in secret, as such an act made public would not have been approved of very much, I'm afraid to say.

HAROLD: Well, that will change. Your group has the Ministry's full support, and I want you to go public. We need as many people joining your cause as possible.

ALBUS: Joining our cause, Minister. This only works if Hogwarts and the Ministry cooperate peacefully.

HAROLD: And we shall. In time. (The two leaders raise their glasses to each other). Now, the leader of the Dark Arts. The one who's becoming famous across the country.

ALBUS: Voldemort.

HAROLD: You knew him, did you not?

ALBUS: I did.

HAROLD: He was your protégé, at one point, wasn't he?

ALBUS: He was my student. A prime student, I might add. Well-liked by everyone, student and staff.

HAROLD: But you saw through him.

ALBUS: Well, I'm not sure about that-

HAROLD: Come now, Albus. You knew him. You know what kind of a person he is. If I'm to take him down, I need to know any information you can offer me.

ALBUS: I must admit, I never could have predicted what would happen in the future. He was resourceful, handsome, and ambitious. If a monster existed within him, it was buried very deep indeed. But I had my guesses that his magical skills and his vast intelligence could turn him towards the dark and away from the light. And my guesses have usually been proven to be correct.

HAROLD: Well, we need to do whatever we can to prevent him from acting again. I'm taking your advice and putting double dementors around Azkaban, and however many Aurors you need at Hogwarts will be put there.

ALBUS: Thank you, Minister. I'm certain that our cooperation together will benefit the magical community in ways that we cannot yet understand.

HAROLD: (shaking ALBUS'S hand) Your fight is my fight, Headmaster. Whatever the cost, we will take this Voldemort down. I swear to it. 

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