Quality Quidditch Supplies

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August 21, 1975

Inside Quality Quidditch Supplies in Diagon Alley, JAMES and SIRIUS are actively pursuing the shelves of various flying artifacts.

SIRIUS: (holding up a small bottle) Ever think you'll need a broom-handle polisher?

JAMES: (sarcastically) Yeah, my handle's in desperate need of polishing. I'll take three.

SIRIUS: All right, fine. What about this? It's a little compass you attach on your broom. Could be useful for really foggy matches.

JAMES: Yeah, maybe. Anyway, when are you gonna be joining the team?

SIRIUS: (laughing) I dunno. Maybe I'll tryout this year.

JAMES: You should. We could use you on the team. Slytherin's only getting better, and we're losing a couple decent players this year.

SIRIUS: Speak of the devil.

SIRIUS nods over the balcony to the front door, where ROSIER and WILKES enter accompanied by a pretty, dark-haired girl.

JAMES: (taking ahold of SIRIUS'S arm) Don't start anything.

SIRIUS: Come on. I'm Sirius Black. I live to start things.

SIRIUS makes his way down the staircase, reluctantly followed by JAMES.

SIRIUS: Well, well, well. Emma Vanity. Star Quidditch Captain and queen bee of Hogwarts, out and about.

EMMA: (turning around and smiling) Sirius Black. The one who got away. Fancy seeing you here.

SIRIUS: And why's that?

EMMA: Word on the street is you have yet to tryout for Gryffindor's team. Or have you just been consistently rejected this whole time?

SIRIUS: You're just jealous I wasn't put in Slytherin. The Quidditch Cup would be yours right now, instead of staying nice and cozy in McGonagall's office.

EMMA: You would've been great in Slytherin, Sirius.

SIRIUS: Doubt it.

ROSIER: Just watch it, Black. Gryffindor's going down this year.

JAMES: Really? Because I distinctly remember us kicking your arses for the past two years.

ROSIER steps forward, but EMMA holds up a hand, stopping him.

EMMA: And where would a Black rebel be without his trusty sidekick. James Potter, rising star of the Gryffindor team.

JAMES: Sirius said he might be joining us this year. Scared, Vanity?

EMMA: It takes a lot to scare me, Potter.

WILKES: Is this the same Potter whose father invented Sleekeazy's Hair Potion?

EMMA: (laughing cruelly) That's ironic.

SIRIUS: Whatever. Just wait until we get our team together.

EMMA: "Our" team? Is that a promise that you're going to tryout for Gryffindor, and ultimately fail? Don't let me get my hopes up, Black.

JAMES: Just don't have any hopes of getting that Cup back. It'll be staying with us.

SIRIUS and JAMES make their way to the exit of the store, while the Slytherins watch them leave.

ROSIER: Slimy little gits.

WILKES: They're going down this year, Emma, believe it.

EMMA: (pensively) If they put together an impressive team, then they are not to be underestimated. We'll just have to make a better one. Anyone good we're expecting at tryouts this year?

ROSIER: Yeah, Black's brother. Regulus. Fourth-year. He's been getting a lot better.

WILKES: We're thinking he might be able to make it for Seeker.

EMMA: (smiling) Brother against brother. That ought to be an interesting play. Let's see how he does at tryouts. 

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