Malfoys at the Ministry

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September 29, 1975

In one of the ornate golden fireplaces in the Atrium of the Ministry of Magic, the bright green flames of Floo Powder arise from the embers before LUCIUS and NARCISSA step out of the fire.

LUCIUS: What time are we expected?

NARCISSA: Ten o'clock. We'd better hurry.

The two begin to walk swiftly through the crowd, with many acknowledging their presence.

YAXLEY: (bowing his head) Mister Malfoy, Madame Malfoy.

LUCIUS: Corban, good to see you.

ROWLE: Narcissa, a pleasure.

NARCISSA: Thorfinn, you're looking well.

They approach the elevator lifts, but NARCISSA guides LUCIUS towards the stairwell.

LUCIUS: Where are we going?

NARCISSA: Not in the lifts. I'm not comfortable around all these people.

LUCIUS: And I thought you enjoyed being in the public eye.

NARCISSA: I do what I have to do to survive in this world. But I don't have to relish every moment of it. 

LUCIUS: Then can you explain why you wanted to come here today?

NARCISSA: It's imperative that we meet with the new Minister. To formally state where our allegiances lie.

LUCIUS: Which is where, exactly?

NARCISSA: (pausing) With the good of humanity.

LUCIUS: (laughing) Cissy, come on. When the Dark Lord takes over the Ministry, none of this is going to matter, you know that-

NARCISSA: Regardless. We have to keep our public appearance intact, remember? That's the only way this is going to work. We look innocent to the outside world, and act in the shadows. That way, in the worst case scenario- we'll be safe from Azkaban.

They arrive at the door to the Minister's office. NARCISSA quickly raps on the wooden surface.

HAROLD: (opening the door) Madame Malfoy, please come in. And Master Malfoy as well-  make yourselves at home.

LUCIUS: Thank you, Minister.

HAROLD: Can I get you some coffee or tea?

NARCISSA: Tea is fine. Black, if you will.


HAROLD magically summons the tea set, which pours itself, and sits down at his desk.

NARCISSA: Thank you for taking the time to meet with us today.

HAROLD: Of course, of course. I've been trying to meet with the masters of our old Wizarding families over the past few weeks. It's necessary when you take office for the first time. So. What can I do for you two?

LUCIUS: Well, first, we would like to bestow a gift to you as a welcome to your new position.

NARCISSA: A gift of 500 Galleons, to be used for the betterment of our government and to maintain the stability of our state. (She produces a large wooden box and a set of documents and hands them to HAROLD).

HAROLD: Thank you very much. Such donations are very much appreciated.

NARCISSA: And secondly- we had several questions about your current legislations.

HAROLD: But of course.

NARCISSA: Primarily, the placement of Aurors around Hogwarts Castle?

HAROLD: Yes. We were advised by the Headmaster- after several incidents in the past few years including a break-in and a battle in the streets of Hogsmeade- that Aurors were needed for the protection of the students.

NARCISSA: Indeed. And are these Aurors a part of- the Order of the Phoenix?

HAROLD hesitates for a moment, staring at the Malfoy couple for a few seconds before responding.

HAROLD: Yes, they are. I wasn't aware that the Order's business has been made so public so quickly.

NARCISSA: It hasn't. We're on the inside scoop of such things, if you will.

HAROLD: Indeed. Dumbledore founded the Order of the Phoenix a couple years ago, to fight the rising Dark Arts. Under my predecessor, he was forced to operate in secret. But you must know that I intend to take the Order public.

LUCIUS: Public? How so?

HAROLD: Well, I want any wizard who wants to join to be free to do so. And I want the Ministry's intentions clear: that absolutely no Dark Arts will be tolerated, and that the rise of this so-called Dark Lord Voldemort will be stopped immediately.

NARCISSA: (quietly) Do you think there will be a war, Minister?

HAROLD: It- feels like it did before.


HAROLD: With the rise of Grindelwald, in the 1940s. I was there, I remember it. He was on the verge of taking over the wizarding world as we know it, all over the globe. But Dumbledore defeated him, at the very end. And if he has to defeat this Voldemort just as he did before, then the Ministry will serve as his army, through and through.

NARCISSA bears an almost anxious look as she glances sideways at LUCIUS, who pulls the sleeve of his left arm farther down. 

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