Rookwood's Inductance

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January 5, 1976

Inside the office of the Minister of Magic, HAROLD opens the door and enter, swiftly followed by NARCISSA, LUCIUS, BODE, CROAKER, and ROOKWOOD.

HAROLD: Very well. Make yourselves comfortable. Rookwood, front and center, if you please.

The gathered party sits down in front of HAROLD'S desk, while ROOKWOOD stands alertly in front of HAROLD.

HAROLD: Augustus Rookwood. You have been selected to join the Department of Mysteries, as an Unspeakable, under the guidance and mentorship of Broderick Bode and Professor Saul Croaker. Do you accept?

ROOKWOOD: I do, sir.

HAROLD: Bode and Croaker, do you accept these proceedings?

BODE: Yes, sir.


HAROLD: Very well. Augustus, you are reminded that such a position is extremely top-secret. No information can be passed to anyone outside your department, and your daily reports are to go to your direct superiors and no one else. Am I understood?

ROOKWOOD: Yes, sir.

HAROLD: (magically summoning a legal document) If you would please, sign here and initial at the bottom of each page.

ROOKWOOD takes a quill and quietly obeys.

HAROLD: Bode and Croaker, your signatures, please. Very good, and- Master and Madame Malfoy, you have been summoned here by Mr. Rookwood as witnesses to these proceedings in the event that a neutral third party will be required in the near future.

LUCIUS: We understand, sir.

HAROLD: If you two could also sign on the last page, then.

LUCIUS takes the quill and signs his name. NARCISSA then takes the quill and gazes over the document, hesitating before she nervously signs her name.

HAROLD: Very well. This matter has been completed. Henceforth, no information regarding Mr. Rookwood's recent promotion is to leave this room. Master and Madame Malfoy, I do thank you for joining us-

LUCIUS: Certainly, Minister. It is our honor.

The party departs the office with the document. NARCISSA, visibly concerned, stands still for a moment, staring at the now-empty office.

LUCIUS: (returning to the office) Narcissa? Are you coming?

NARCISSA: What- what did we just do?

LUCIUS: We did what we had to do, Cissy.

NARCISSA: If he gets caught, Lucius-

LUCIUS: He won't get caught. Everything's going to fine.

LUCIUS takes NARCISSA'S hand, and together the two exit the office. 

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