James and Lily

107 7 0

May 21, 1976

On the last day at the Castle, LILY walks by herself down the grassy slopes towards the train station, dragging her trunk behind her. At the front doors, JAMES spots her bright red hair in the sunlight and chases after her.

JAMES: Lily!

LILY: (turning around) What do you want, Potter?

JAMES: Just wanted to walk with you to Hogsmeade. Is that so bad?

LILY: In your case, yes, it is.

JAMES: What's your problem?

LILY: I know what you did to Severus, Potter. It was very arrogant and mean!

JAMES: If you're telling me that you don't think he deserved any of it-

LILY: Of course he was wrong to say what he did, but you're just as bad. Hexing people just for fun, showing off with that stupid Snitch- you're a pretentious arse, Potter.

JAMES grins as he takes out his Golden Snitch, which releases its wings and begins to fly through the air. LILY watches as the Snitch continues to fly higher and higher, and JAMES makes no attempt to catch it.

LILY: You let it go.

JAMES: No more showing off with the Snitch. Okay?

LILY: (continuing to walk down the hill) You're still an arse.

JAMES: Oh, come on, Evans! What do I have to do to prove it to you?

LILY: (sarcastically) Gee, I really don't know. Maybe try being a decent person for once?

JAMES: I promise I'll never lay a hand on old Snivelly again-

LILY: Doesn't matter, cause I'm not gonna talk to him ever again, either.

JAMES: (grinning) So we're in agreement.

LILY: No, we are most certainly not!

JAMES: Okay, but seriously. You have to know that I would never, ever call you that name. You do know that, right?

LILY: (sincerely) Yes.

JAMES: Because we're all so much more than whatever family we were born into. Especially you. I mean, just wait until the O.W.L. grades come out and you end up being the only one who gets all O's.

LILY suppresses a smile, and the two continue to walk together in brief silence.

LILY: Okay, fine. You really want to know what you have to do? Here it is. Despite your- overly-confident and cocky attitude towards- everything- I truly believe that you're a decent person at heart. I see the way you care about your friends, especially Remus, and the way you respect teachers like McGonagall, and I do think that there's a way for you to be good again.


LILY: And, if you manage to harness that side of you, then maybe- maybe- I'll consider going out with you. And if you and Sirius haven't blown each other up by then.

LILY continues down the path to the waiting Hogwarts Express and steps aboard the train. JAMES, smiling, hurries to catch up with her as the bright morning sun continues to shine above them. 

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