The Sisters Reunited

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May 2, 1976

In the Death Chamber, BELLATRIX and NARCISSA hold their wands toward ANDROMEDA, while ALASTOR and EMMELINE stand off to the side. The rest of the Aurors and Death Eaters have continued their duel from the room and retreated towards the main entrance.

BELLATRIX: (sinisterly) I told you we would never meet again.

ANDROMEDA: And yet here we are.

NARCISSA: Andromeda, what are you doing here?

ANDROMEDA: Stopping the two of you from whatever you're here to destroy.

NARCISSA: We're not here to destroy anything! We came to-

BELLATRIX: Shut up, Narcissa!

ANDROMEDA: Come to steal something, then?

NARCISSA: Not exactly-

ANDROMEDA: God, Narcissa. I thought I told you to stay away from this way of life-

NARCISSA: I tried, Andromeda!

ANDROMEDA: Really? Then why is your wand pointed at me?

BELLATRIX: She chose the right side, Andromeda! She made the right choice!

NARCISSA: I tried to stop this war! God knows I did what I could to prevent this from happening! But the family needed me-

ANDROMEDA: (furiously) Oh, rubbish! Don't start on your "protect-the-family" nonsense! You're here to protect yourself and you know it!

NARCISSA: I'm here to PROTECT my FAMILY! My sister and my husband! Those who didn't abandon me when I needed them!

ANDROMEDA: Now you're blaming me for leaving when I did?

NARCISSA: You left me alone in that house to fight for myself! I needed my sister!

ANDROMEDA: I had to leave that place! And I told you to do the same, but you were too much of a coward to follow me!

NARCISSA: DON'T call me COWARD! I am ten times braver than you ever were! I faced my problems, I didn't run away from them like you! And I stand devoted to my family, now more than ever!

ANDROMEDA: You're devoted to something, but it's certainly not the family. God, I can't wait to visit the two of you in Azkaban-

The three sisters continue to encircle each other around the stone archway, each of their wands pointed to each other.

BELLATRIX: Well, well, well. Here we are, indeed. Did you ever think we'd be standing here like this, all those years ago, Andromeda, standing on the opposite ends of a war?

ANDROMEDA: I knew ever since I was a girl that I would have to face you, one day. That I would have to stop you from destroying our society.

BELLATRIX: "Destroying our society"? The only one who has done that is you. Bringing forth a half-breed disgrace into this world, a filthy mixed-blood girl who will never learn to harness magical ability!

ANDROMEDA: (stepping forward towards BELLATRIX) Insult my daughter one more time. I beg you.

BELLATRIX: Filthy half-breed-



The curses of the two sisters meet each other, and lock themselves into a magical duel. NARCISSA steps forward, but BELLATRIX waves her hand behind her, knocking her back down.

NARCISSA: Stop! Stop!


ANDROMEDA and BELLATRIX remain locked in an epic duel in front of the stone archway. Several Aurors and Death Eaters return to the Death Chamber, firing curses at each other. NARCISSA runs back to help LUCIUS.


BELLATRIX: I will rise, Andromeda! Me, the Dark Lord's most loyal servant and most trusted devotee! We are on the verge of a great new era, one that will mark the Wizarding world in pivotal significance for all time! It is YOU who will lose!

BELLATRIX raises her wand and swings it around her head like a lasso, breaking the duel and disabling ANDROMEDA. BELLATRIX grabs the neck of ANDROMEDA'S cloak and holds her inches from the black veil hanging from the stone archway.

BELLATRIX: (whispering cruelly into ANDROMEDA'S ear) Do you know what this archway is? It's the gateway between the land of the living and the land of the dead. It's a portal between our world and the afterlife. Do you hear those voices? It's the Mudbloods of the dead, calling for you to finally come home-


BELLATRIX unhands ANDROMEDA, and the two raise their wands again. Suddenly, they are each knocked aside by two figures appearing in the middle of the room. By BELLATRIX'S side, a figure Apparates in a swarm of black shadow, materializing into VOLDEMORT, while a white-cloaked ALBUS stands in front of ANDROMEDA, raising his wand. 

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