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August 21, 1975

Inside the Apothecary at Diagon Alley, SEVERUS is searching for supplies to refill his Potions kit, while being closely followed by REGULUS.

REGULUS: So is it gonna happen?

SEVERUS: Is what going to happen?

REGULUS: Come on! Bella's lessons in the Room of Requirement!


REGULUS: But we didn't do anything last year! I'm bored, I need something to do in that infernal castle.

SEVERUS: How about focus on your schoolwork?

REGULUS: Please, like that's gonna help me in the future.

SEVERUS: Well, sorry to break it to you, but I happen to be a Prefect now and fifth year just happens to be the busiest year at Hogwarts so I'm gonna up to my neck in work.

REGULUS: (sighing) I miss the days when your were fun.

SEVERUS: Me too. Anyway, why don't you get something else to distract you this year? What about Quidditch?

REGULUS: I dunno. Maybe.

SEVERUS: I've seen you fly. You're not horrible. At least you're better than Potter and his cronies.

REGULUS: (laughing) Thanks, Sev. But seriously, though- (he glances around the store) I want to know what's going on, all right? I want to be a part of this.

SEVERUS: You will, Regulus. One day. Are you good with your Potions stuff?

REGULUS: Please. Potions'll be a breeze.

SEVERUS: (sarcastically) Yeah, okay.

SEVERUS pays for his supplies and the two boys exit the store together.

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