When We Were Young

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September 1, 1975

LILY: Well, anyway- welcome to the Gryffindor common room!

Climbing through the portrait hole, LILY and REMUS enter the empty common room, with them a group of small and slightly scared-looking first years. LILY extends her arms and stands by the fireplace.

LILY: This is the heart of Gryffindor Tower, and it'll be your home for your entire future at Hogwarts. There'll be a password every month or so, so be sure to bear that in mind or else you'll be locked out-

REMUS: And don't forget that curfew is at eight-o'clock on weeknights, which is when you'll be due back here.

LILY: Any questions? No? Okay, then- girls' dormitory is up to the left, boys are to the right- your trunks and things should already be in your rooms from the train. If you need any help just come find one of us!

The first years excitedly sprint up the stairs to their respective dormitories, chattering quickly and laughing together. LILY and REMUS watch them go, then smile at each other.

REMUS: How surreal.

LILY: How's that?

REMUS: (sitting down in an armchair) It feels like just yesterday when we got here for the first time.

LILY: Well, time flew by quickly when we were young.

REMUS: Too quickly.

LILY: (sitting down next to him) If that's how you feel, then it seems we've got to take advantage of what little time we've got left.

REMUS: Oh, please, Lily. If any year is to go by quickly, it's this one. With Prefect duties and O.W.L.s, we'll never get a break.

LILY: We'll make it work. Together.

The portrait hole opens once more, and some of the older students begin to enter the common room.

LILY: Aha. Looks like our party has arrived.

MARY: (approaching them) Well, hello, your majesties. How were the first years?

REMUS: Not as fun as we were, back in the day. They seem awfully scared and stressed-out.

MARLENE: I think that's pretty common.

SIRIUS: Oh, really? I don't know about you people, but I was super relaxed when I first got here. Nothing scared me.

JAMES: Except McGonagall, mate. You nearly wet yourself the first Transfiguration class we had.

MARLENE: Ooo, is that true?

SIRIUS: Absolutely not. James likes to tell his little fictions every now and then.

LILY: Fictions like his amazing passes in Quidditch which were, in actuality, just him dropping the Quaffle.

SIRIUS: Oh, tough blow, James. Looks like I'll have to join the team after all, if we have any chance of beating Slytherin.

JAMES: We'll beat them, all right. With or without you. (He laughs and tosses his bag at SIRIUS, who sprints up the staircase to the boys' dormitory. JAMES quickly chases after him).

REMUS: Well. It looks like I'm not gonna be getting much sleep tonight. Those two'll be up for ages.

MARLENE: Who cares? It's our first night! Let's play some Exploding Snap or something.

MARY: Ooo, I love that game! You in, Lily?

LILY: Sure.

PETER: I think I have a set in my trunk-

PETER takes out the game and the friends begin to play. 

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