Christmas at Malfoy Manor

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December 25, 1975

LUCRETIA: All right, time for presents! Regulus, you're first!

In Malfoy Manor, the Black family has gathered for Christmas at NARCISSA'S invitation. REGULUS opens his gift to find a animated toy broomstick.

REGULUS: Thanks, Aunt Lu!

LUCRETIA: (smiling) Of course, darling.

Off to the side, LUCIUS tends to the drinks while NARCISSA, BELLATRIX, WALBURGA, and DRUELLA sit at the bar sipping drinks from elaborate glassware.

WALBURGA: What is this I'm drinking, dear?

LUCIUS: Some of the elf-made wine, Walburga. A Christmas gift from the new Minister.

WALBURGA: Well, he certainly has good taste.

DRUELLA: Better taste than Araminta. Remember that God-awful stuff she sent over last year?

WALBURGA: Don't remind me.

DRUELLA and WALBURGA laugh and drink together, while CYGNUS, ORION, and RODOLPHUS enter from outside.

WALBURGA: And where have you fine gentlemen been?

CYGNUS: Out seeing Lucius' albino peacocks. They are truly something, son.

LUCIUS: Thank you, sir.

ORION: Anyway, Walburga, come help me sort out the dinner table, will you?

NARCISSA: (standing up) Nonsense, Uncle, we can do that-

WALBURGA: Sit down, sit down, dear. It's the least we could do with you hosting us for Christmas this year.

WALBURGA and ORION magically summon the china and begin to set the table, while CYGNUS and RODOLPHUS go over to sit with LUCRETIA and ALPHARD.

DRUELLA: She seems like she's doing well.


DRUELLA: Walburga. After the fiasco with her son this summer, of course-


BELLATRIX: Sirius followed the same path as Andromeda, mother-

DRUELLA: (sharply) Don't say her name!

BELLATRIX: Sorry, Mother.

DRUELLA: Anyway, the fact that each of us had a child that degenerated is a shameful abomination. You would think we were producing a generation of Squibs in this family.

NARCISSA: Mother, please-

DRUELLA: What, Narcissa? Are you prepared now to defend this infernal mixing with Muggles and Mudbloods?

NARCISSA opens her mouth to respond but BELLATRIX promptly steps on her foot, silencing her.

BELLATRIX: Mother. We are doing everything in our power to promote the idealization of blood purity. We absolutely do not tolerate any sort of mixing with Mudbloods.

DRUELLA: Well, I should certainly hope so, Bella. I had raised you girls to aspire to be something more than the mere vessel of an issue of some filthy half-breed generation.

NARCISSA: (blurting out) Do you even care?

DRUELLA: Care about what, Narcissa?

BELLATRIX: (hissing) Watch your tongue, Cissy-

NARCISSA: Did you know that your first grandchild is almost three years old? Do you even care?

DRUELLA: If you are referring to that half-blood Tonks atrocity, then I certainly wish to have no part-

NARCISSA: Oh, for Merlin's sake-

BELLATRIX: Narcissa! That is enough. Come with me. Mother, I do apologize-

BELLATRIX takes NARCISSA by the wrist and angrily leads her upstairs. DRUELLA sighs heavily and rejoins her husband. 

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