The Feast

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September 1, 1975

MINERVA: How was your summer, Albus?

ALBUS: All the same, Minerva. The Order's taking shape, I must say.

MINERVA: Have you spoken to the new Minister?

ALBUS: Indeed. We've met a few times over the summer. While I'm sad to see Madame Jenkins leave office, I do think that Minister Minchum will be far more supportive to our cause.

MINERVA: Truly? He doesn't deny You-Know-Who's threat to our society?

ALBUS: He most certainly acknowledges that Voldemort is a threat. I'm not sure how much he truly understands the potential damage that the Dark Arts can pose to our society. But he will not underestimate the battle that lies ahead.

MINERVA: (hesitantly) I suppose that's good news.

ALBUS: Indeed. Now, I believe, it is time to start the new year. (He stands up and raises his voice) Quiet, everyone! Silence, please!

In the Great Hall, the entire student body has gathered for the first feast of the school year. Having just eaten, everyone quiets down and turns to face the Headmaster.

ALBUS: Welcome, to another year at Hogwarts! I trust you have all eaten your fill and are thrilled to begin yet another adventure here at school. I see many new faces here tonight, and even more familiar ones. And as I continue to watch you grow and become adults, I am continually reminded by an encouraging thought. Every great wizard that has ever existed- for good or for evil- has started out exactly where you are now, sitting in this Hall on the eve of your first classes. Every opportunity that they have been granted is also given to you, right here and now. Every single one of you has potential to be of equal or greater importance as them, and the only thing stopping you from becoming the next great witch or wizard from your generation- is you.

The students let out a round of applause, and ALBUS smiles.

ALBUS: Thank you, one and all. Now, off to bed, pip pip!

The student body begins to stand up and make their way out of the Hall.

SIRIUS: Well, that was cheerful.

MARLENE: It was! I'm inspired. Let's take down fifth-year.

MARY: (clapping MARLENE on the back) Just wait 'till we have to take our O.W.L.s.. You'll get your arse handed to you.

LILY: Remus, come on, we've gotta get the first-years upstairs!

REMUS: Oh, yeah, I almost forgot.

MARY: Have fun you two!

MARLENE: Yeah, don't scare them off!

LILY sticks her tongue out at them as she and REMUS quickly exit the Hall. 

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