Part 36

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'Orna, you can't go saying things like that' Selig scolded his partner as my coughing fit was over. Her comment took me by surprise. Orna blinked at Selig like he grew an additional head and then rolled her eyes at him.

'Darling, you saw those two together. When was the last time you saw our Alpha so happy?'

Her question brought my curiosity. Was Tlaloc never smiling before I came here? I looked at Selig who had his brows furrowed and looked like he was thinking real hard. Not even a minute later he sighed.

'Never. But you can't assume they fell in love just like that' he replied, but his answer only made Orna smirk.

'I'm sure Luna already warmed up to our lonely Alpha. Maybe even got cozy with him!' she smirked even wider as she looked at me. I felt my cheeks go warmer and warmer as my mind brought up our intimate moment of kissing. My face was probably smoking from embarrassment.

'Luna? You already slept with Alpha? That was fast!' Selig spoke, his voice full with surprise. My eyes went wide as my face even hotter. Where did he get that idea from?!

'N-no! No, we didn't!' I screamed, getting more embarrassed by Orna's laugh.

'But you two did get at least a little cozy, riiiiight?' Orna asked teasingly and I settled my eyes down on the cup in my hand. The blue tea happily waved at me with small rings of movement.

'I don't even know what love is or how it feels' I mumbled with my gaze still on the cup as silence followed.

'Love is to want to see your loved one as fast as possible after a long day of work' Selig suddenly spoke, his voice soft and his eyes on Orna. She was pulled in his gaze as she replied,

'Or to feel butterflies every time you see him or touch him'

'To want to hug her'

'Kiss him'

'To grow old together'

'To enjoy the smallest things together'

'And be happy'

I was looking at them. They were looking at each other and ignored everyhting around them. The fire made them glow in golden glow as I could see how strongly they cared for each other. Do Tlaloc and I look like that when we are together? Or when we are pulled to each other? Like Orna and Selig right now?

My thoughts were cut short by caugh from Selig as he and Orna finally broke out of their trance.

'That's at least for us' he said, rubbing his neck as his face had a shade of red. I chuckled as Orna turned red as well and glanced away from me.

'I am glad that you two are happy and hope that you two stay this way' I smiled and finished my tea, 'I should be going. Selig, I saved your stomach, but now I need to have a talk with my friend' I looked at Selig standing up. Orna and Selig jumped up to see me off, their faces still a little bit red.

'Thanks for your tea and advices' I gave the cup to Orna and smiled, feeling more comfortable around her.

'Do you need for me to accompany you to the river?' Selig asked as we exited the tent and I shook my head.

'I'll be fine, I still remember the path' I replied and turned to the couple, 'I will come back if I don't find her there and you will be able to take me to this Rashine guy, okay?'

'Yes, Luna. Thank you for visiting us' Selig replied and I chuckled again.

'No problem, see you later'

As I left the couple alone, my mind was all over what they said. I was honestly scared by the fact that a lot of what they said has already happened to me. Butterflies, kisses, hugs and cuddles. What if I already am in......

I stopped by the forest with the path and shook my head. They said it was like that for them. That doesn't mean for me is the same thing. I forced myself to focus on the task at hand - finding Anna. My heart began beating faster when my feet began walking down the path that could have ended my life. I could feel my paranoia come up as any sound of the forest: the creaking of the trees, movement of the shrubs, a chirp of the bird; it all made me jump. It felt as if any time women will jump out of the shadows and drag me down to the river. I forced myself to take a deep breath and calm my nerves. They were all working additional work until the festival.

I was so scared of this place that I didn't even look around and see how beautiful the forest was. My eyes were focused stright forward on the path. As I walked down the path for another minute or two, I finally heard the soft whirl of the water together with the human humming. When the soft music reached my ears, I froze in my spot, my body ready to run. I stood just behind the first row of the bushes that hugged the small field of grass. The same grass field where I was attacked.

My eyes ran across the field and stopped at the figure. It was a woman, crounching by the water and when I focused on the music, I recognized it as Taylor Swift's Blank Space, Anna's favourite. A sigh of relief escaped my lips and I walked into the field more confidently. It seemed that Anna didn't hear me because she continued to hum and stare at the water. I got interested in what she was looking at and moved behind her. Peering over her shoulder I saw a cristal clear water running down its way with our reflections looking back at us, occasionally rippled by the waves.

Anna's humming stopped and I watched as her reflection looked stright at me, her eyes going wide. The next thing I know, she jumpped screaming bloody murder and fell forward, the water swallowing her instantly. Her scream made me jump out of fright as well as the water from Anna's fall followed and soaked me as well. Goosebumps ran down my body as the cold water chilled my body, but my eyes were on the spot where my friend disappeared. Where was she?

Just as I thought that, a figure noisily gasped from the surface and clung to the edge of the river, taking in as much of the air as she could. Her eyes followed up my figure and our eyes met, Anna's not happy upon recognizing me.

'Lynea, what the hell?!' she screamed, causing me cringe away from her because of what state I just put my friend into.

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