3 [✓]

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Bae Joohyun's POV

I saw Seulgi weakly walk back to her unit but before she could do her 5th step on the way, i sprinted out of the house and grabbed her wrist.

"Whether you like it or not, you're gonna stay in our house." I sternly said and she looked like a timid bear under the control of a bunny.

She bluntly nodded and i grasped her hands with mine and i felt a tingling sensation on my chest but this wasn't the time to roll around the floor clutching on to my chest for dear god because the held girl in my hands just gave me a small smile.

Jesus. What is this sensation.

I opened the door with my free hand and shoved her gently on the couch and scurried on to the kitchen to give her some leftovers.

"Eat, I'll get you some clothes and you'll stay at the vacant guest room." I commanded softly and she nodded, taking the food from my hand "Thank you, Irene." She thanked sincerely and i can't help but sprint to my room because of my flustered cheeks.

Kang Seulgi's POV

She sprinted upstairs, i looked around her house. Marble covered floor, unique antiques in display, a big picture of their family on the middle, a clear sign of a rich family.

I sighed. They will totally discriminate me.

I'll take my leave.

I pulled out a paper on my bag and wrote with my not dislocated and broken arm:

Hi Bae Joohyun, I'm sorry but I'll take my leave now.

Thank you for the delightful meal, as to my vision you have a wealthy family and your life shouldn't be taken away.

I recognized the man in your grand family picture, it's the CEO of the famous entertainment company am i right? Okay.

Your dad also hired me in his past events and i'll drop out school if i get hired again. I know you have some bodyguards outside this house cuz' It's pretty big.

So yeah. Thank you again.


I left it at the coffee table and a curse escaped my lips as my arm's blood dropped on the paper.

That's gonna worry her more.

I sighed and swiftly went out, avoiding streetlights. I entered alleys to avoid the roaming mafia people, i held the pocketknife that i had earlier and my grip tightened on it as i neared my unit.

Without any silhouettes following me I quickly opened the door and did the opposite after being inside.

I went to the living room and pulled out the box of first aid kit and medications from under the cabinet with my arm that isn't broken but bruised.

I cleaned my bleeding wounds and it stings but i clenched my jaw to avoid further noise that'll catch attention. After the cleaning, i wrapped it with some bandage, even my broken arm is wrapped with bandage, my fingers that are dislocated also bandaged but the pain didn't go away.

Freaking. I can't go to school tomorrow with this.

I took a warm shower and slipped on my black jeans, white shirt with leather jacket, face mask, cap and my converse.

I slid the pocketknife inside the leather jacket, phone on my other pocket. And i went out.


"Seoul medical hospital please." I said to the driver of the taxi and he nodded, i sat down on the seat and let my thoughts wander, i clenched my jaw tight as i can, feeling my wounds open from the early cut and my face mask hiding my bruised face.

We arrived and i paid the driver "Miss, i'll take you a ride home for free. I can sense your financial problem is critical." The old man on his 60's told me and i bowed politely "Thank you. I appreciate it so much."

I went inside and found my doctor, Jonghyun.

"Jonghyun, i got a bruised face, dislocated fingers and a broken arm." I explained when he approached me, i wore a mask, a mental and emotional one. I showed no emotions. The man taller than me sighed and let me sit down on one of the hospital beds and aided my said wounds.

I winced at the pain but Jonghyun just soothed my palm softly and shot me a worried look "Look, Seulgi. If you get hurt or whatnot i'll always be here to treat you, arraseo? Don't ever die Seulgi." He whispered softly but loud enough for me to hear from the muffled shuffling background of the other patients and nurses.

"I'm afraid i'll be back with my undercover job as a bodyguard oppa. A girl witnessed the death of our grandfather and she's being hunted by the mafia who killed him. I don't want her to end like him, and her father has been a client of mine before." I explained and he sighed deeply while running his hands through his hair.

"I know you're kind hearted Seul.. But set some terms and conditions okay?" He blurt out lowly as this was a personal issue "Yeah i know. But i have to contact Somi again before i get hired." I sighed knowing that Irene's father can get any information he can regarding to the crime witness of her daughter.

I was about to hide my face in my hands when my phone buzzed.

3 unread messages.

Unknown: where are you Seulgi? You need rest. This is Irene.

Unknown: hand her over Kang and you'll be out of our death list.

Unknown: Miss. Kang this is Mr. Bae your recent client. I need you in my house tommorow at 7:00 am ASAP. I'll send you the location.

I opened the first message.

Where are you Seulgi? You need to rest. This is Irene.

-You saved this number to "Baechu"-

Sorry. I just went to the hospital.

Where? I'll go there.

No! Don't. I'm fine.

Ugh. Just come back here after understood?!

Yes. Will do.

Good. Now get your cuts aided.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes in distress.

"I need to cover up my emotions now."

A/n: Haiiiiiiiiiiiii~

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Editor : If the chapter has checks , it means I'm done editing them

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