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"This just in. One female and one male were spotted at the house of the Treasurer of the city brutally murdering the people inside the house including the Treasurer's only child, Daewhi.

This is what our witnesses saw up close."

A photo beside the screen of the news anchor suddenly showed up and my eyes widened.

"It's my bloody parents!?" I exclaimed in anger realizing they're using my bags when i was still living there at that stupid house.

The girls came scurrying to the living room and watched the news of my parents' crime.

"That's your parents Seulgi?" Joy asked staring at me to spill, i sighed. "No, they're not my parents." I lied, of course i had to lie, if my parents find out that i know someone and discovers that they're rich or i have a relationship with one they'll come murdering that person.

And I can't let them touch these innocent girls.

Most of all, these are the chairman's daughters.

Since Mr. Bae was out of town for one month, i locked the doors and gates.

"Since it's dangerous because the house that had been raided is nearby, let's stay in one room for one month okay? And that's how you'll also share the schedule, i know you were arguing over me earlier this morning." I explained, and most of them sighed but nodded afterwards.

"So, where are we staying?" Irene asked and i thought for a second and an idea popped in my mind "Wait for me here, i'll get the room ready." I instructed and Irene hesitated "I'll help you" she suggested but i shaked my head "Just rest for now, this will take awhile." I said and she pouted and sat on the couch in front of the TV with the others as they watched the news.

I went to the free room and pushed aside the sculptures, canvases, acrylics, brushes and some paintings on the floor

Seems like Mr. Bae likes to paint.

I carefully moved the sculpture of a head and accidentally tripped on a brush sending the sculpture flying upwards I caught the sculpture fortunately, i was laying on the floor. I placed it at the corner of the room where the canvases, acrylics and brushes were.

I swept the floor and mopped after scrubbing it, the floor's squeaky clean. I went inside Yeri's room and carried her mattress to the large free space in the free room after carrying Joy's and Wendy's, Irene's mattress was too big to fit in her bedroom door.

How did she even.. How did she get this inside- ugh! I have no choice. She has to sleep in my mattress. Damn this small door.

I pouted and lightly kicked Irene's bedroom door and went to get my mattress and laid it gently with the other mattresses looking like a huge bed. I went inside their laundry room and grabbed the sheets, and i also grabbed their blankets and pillows from their rooms and laid it gently on the mattresses.

I closed the windows and curtains and switched the light on and also turned on the a/c.

I went back downstairs after wiping my sweat off and accompanied the girls to the cleaned room.

"It's the best i could do to ensure your safety.." i sighed and scratched the back of my neck in nervousness. They enveloped me in a hug and i got taken aback by the sudden affection.

After they let go and jumped to their respective mattresses i saw Irene finding something.

Probably her mattress.

"Joohyun.. I can't fit your mattress in the door and.. Is it fine if you can use my mattress for awhile" i explained to her and pointed the mattress for one person "If you don't like it then i can try and fit your mattress he-" i got cutted as Irene jumped like a kid and landed on my mattress.

"I like it! It's fine!" she exclaimed, happily and i sighed in relief and went to get a chair. "Where are you going?" Yeri asked and sat up and clutched her plushie to her chest.

"I'll get a chair. That's where I'll sleep for the whole month until your father gets back and the criminals are sure that it is now safe." I explained and Wendy sat up "No, Seulgi. You're sleeping with Irene." Wendy stated sternly and sent a small smirk to the blushing bunny by the wall "No, it's fine. I can sleep in a cha-" i held my hand up to hesitate but Joy cutted me off "Eonnie, we don't want your back dying because of our wooden chair." Joy explained and sent a small grin to Irene and a look to Wendy who seems to understand what she meant.

"I... Fine." i sighed and sat at the end of the mattress, Irene shifted her position so i can fit beside her by the wall.

"Goodnight everyone." I stated and switched the room light off.

"Goodnight Seulgi Eonnie."

"Goodnight Eonnie."

"Goodnight, Seulrene"

I sighed at their silliness and went to my place after my eyes adjusted to the dark.

I laid beside Irene and turned my back on her, her scent lingering my nostrils.

I closed my eyes as the fatigue was kicking in.

"Goodnight Irene."

Bae Joohyun's POV

I felt the bed shift behind me and i turned around to see a sleeping bear.

"Goodnight Irene."

After a few minutes i heard a soft snore and her position changed, her beautiful features now in front of me, her lips slightly apart, her hair sticking unto her sweaty skin.

She's sweaty and yet she smells so good.

Her citrus scent's invading my nostrils, it was enough to make me go crazy.

I pecked her forehead and smiled.

"Goodnight.. Seulgi."

I closed my eyes her slender fingers intertwined with mine's.

A/n:blackvelstaethics.. dead!

Edit: oh sht i meant I'm dead cuz Seulgi doesn't know how to stop murdering people with her sexiness

Editor : I married a dork y'all

Editor (again) : If the chapter has checks , it means I'm done editing them

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