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(Suggested song while reading: Try -Colbie Caillat)

After Irene cleaned the cuts i received from the early trip to the agency, i pulled out my laptop and shifted my position on Irene's couch, the laptop on my lap and my phone by my side.




(A/n: ya'll that's not a real code okay? We were thought codes at school and that's a fake one i promise, i made that up.)
[[Editor : Smartass , but still my dork]]

I sighed and ran a hand through my dark hair, picking up my water bottle taking a big chug.


A purple light flashed on my choker indicating Irene.

Yes, a choker, i bought a waterproof choker that has advantages in my job.

I pressed the light to stop the flashing since i got the message, i looked up to see the petite girl pressing on her wrist band.

Yep, i also bought the girls some wrist band so they can just press that lil' button, i'm one call away.

She smiled cheekily and i chuckled at her cuteness, she crawled towards the end of her bed facing me. "You look stressed, you okay?"

"Yeah, i'm fine" i lied and closed my laptop placing it beside my bag plugging the charger to the outlet beside my bag.

Honestly, i'm also the one securing our agency's cyber documents, so to be honest i'm really really stressed considering the files almost got corrupted because of the fire and some dumbass snuck a malware on our software and i had to take care of it.

"I'll be back for a second." I excused myself out and exited her room going to the rooftop with a glass of water.


I felt tears trickle down from my eyes trailing my jawline as i held the anti-depressant pills on my hand "It'll make you smile again, they say." I choked out and felt an enormous wave of pain and quickly shoved the pill down my throat drinking water after.

I feel nothing.
I feel no emotions.

I stood up and went down the ladder again putting on my best act.

As always like everyday.

The same routine went on for weeks since i was 16...days...weeks....months...years. the pills were like my drugs, a drug that makes the pain float away from my chest.

Intense bullying.

Excruciating harassment.

Verbal abusive.

Since Jimin died and my parents left the house, i sold all of their belongings for my own budget, since then i took on anti-depressant pills putting on fake acts. Only my team knows about this.

I let out a breathy chuckle and went inside Irene's room with a small smile a pretend one, the cycle kept on endlessly until my contract will expire.

"I'm back." I announced and Irene smiled happily minding my presence inside the room, i sat down on the couch and closed my eyes for a minute accidentally going into a deep sleep.

Bodyguard; Seulrene ✓Where stories live. Discover now