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As i was walking down the sidewalk some people spared glances at me, some in disgust, confusion, and pity.

I sighed and went to a nearby cloth store and brought a jacket, thankfully my wallet didn't burn through the long ass run on the fire.

I decided to also buy some more long sleeves clothes to at least cover up these burns while they heal, and avoid a scolding from Baechu- Joohyun.. sorry.

After putting on the jacket i walked my way to the Bae's house with a bag on my sshoulder, i turned on my phone and scanned the different notifications that appeared.

Text messages:
Yerimie <3 :
Eonnie, Irene eonne is being cranky again.

Sexy tall daughter of mr. Bae:
Eonnie, if Joohyun eonnie doesn't shut up babbling about where you are.. read more

Canadian hamster:
Seulgi get your butt back here Irene is getting worried... read more

Bae Joohyun:

I laughed lightly and tapped Yeri's message first and replied.

I'm comin|
I'm coming back.|

I tapped 'send' and turned to Joy's message and read hers.

Sexy tall daughter of mr. Bae:
Eonnie if Joohyun eonie doesn't shut up babbling about where you are, I'll personally pick you up wherever you are. AND GET YOUR BUTT BACK IN THE GODDAMM HOUSE TO STOP IRENE EONNIE'S BABBLING

I laughed and earned confused stares while walking on the sidewalk.

Don't worry|
Don't worry, I'm alm|
Don't worry I'm almost there.|

I sent the the reply and looked up to see that i was almost to the house, i decided to leave the other messages unread.

I brought my hand up to my face and a stinging pain waved through my body that was enough to make me flinch and distort my face.

I sighed and luckily i was walking nearby a pharmacy, i stopped by and called my friend, Siwon who works here at the pharmacy.

"Aye! Seulgi bear how's it goi- your cheek is grazed." Siwon smiled in greeting and immediately turned serious after seeing my grazed cheek "Can you aid this so i don't get a scold from Joohyun?" I asked and he nodded and led me to a chair and grabbed the anti-disinfectant and some bandages and a patch.

"Joohyun? As in Bae Joohyun? Damn, she's rumored to be in a commercial soon." Siwon babbled and my ears twitched hearing the new information "With who?" I asked wanting to dig deep in the topic "With Kim Taehyung and Kim Jisoo." He said and while putting a speck of disinfectant on the cotton and brought it to my cheek lightly tapping it while talking.

"Oh, isn't Kim Taehyung well known for the international playboy?" I asked and Siwon nodded while wrapping a bandage on my grazed hand.

I felt a pang of jealousy but shrugged it off "Kim Jisoo well known as the Actress of Korea right?" I asked and Siwon hummed in reply and he smirked "Well, you're jealous someone would steal Joohyun away from you?" He asked "I- No i do no-" he cutted me off with a laugh "Don't worry Seul, Jisoo is in the group Blackpink right? So yes, she's also an actress and a singer but don't worry, she's in an official relationship with Jennie Kim." He stated and i was about to ask about Taehyung but i guess he knew what was gonna come out of my mouth.

"And Kim Taehyung, yes the stupid Taehyung of your agency is rumored to be quitting his job there and take on an acting debut." He stated again and i was about to open my mouth and he putted his finger on my lips "Shush, he's in a relationship with the famous handsome policeman Jeon Jungkook." He shrugged and i nodded.



I opened the front door quietly as possible but ultimately failed as the door creaked and a head popped out of nowhere from the sofa.

The head of Bae Joohyun.

She stood up and walked towards me and i gulped and entered the house.

"You took so long, where were you?" She asked while crossing her arms against her chest. "At least i'm back right?" I said avoiding her question.

"Answer me."

She sternly said, i hung my head low.

"To our agency. It was on fire.. They said my team didn't make it so i made sure and went in.." i trailed off feeling sadness creep up my heart.

"In the building?! It was on fire right?!"

I flinched at her yell and hung my head lower my chin touching my chest.

"Yes.. I'm sorry.." i trailed off again scared that I'll get abused like my past clients.. except Mr. Bae.

I thought i was gonna get slapped or hit by something, but an arm enveloped my body bringing me into a tight hug, i looked up seeing Irene's body close to mine the non existent touch now happening.

"I'm glad you're safe."

She breathed out and my eyes saddened.

I'll tell her the truth.

"I.. Got burns on my body.." i sighed out and the hug tightened "I'll aid that. C'mon, the girls already brought their mattresses into their room from the attic." Irene explained and intertwined her soft hand on my bandaged one.

A/n: sorry for the late update, i got soaked in the rain and experienced another emotional day.

So I'm back, on the bed with blankets cuz it's freaking cold on a hot day.

Hell yes. I caught a freaking cold.

I have a moonsun book called "paint me" y'all can check that out.

Editor : If the chapter has checks , it means I'm done editing them

Bodyguard; Seulrene ✓Where stories live. Discover now