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Ding dong

"I'll get it." I said and stood up walking to the door while buttoning my shirt.

I opened the door and they erratically laughed "What's funny?"

"Looks like you got it with Irene." Yooa smirked, i tried to maintain my cool and failed "What did Seulgi eonnie got from Irene eonnie?" I mentally choked when Yeri asked.

Oh my goodness.

"You'll understand when you're older Yerimie" Joy replied while smiling, she held Joy's hand and smiled.

"We're gonna cook, dress Irene up." Moonbyul whispered and i nudged her in the rib rather harshly "Have fun with my baby sister." Wendy whispered after Moonbyul and i groaned.

"I assume Irene has heard you groan more than that." Joy smirked and i mentally facepalmed "Your face says everything, you can't hide it." Somi said and grinned.

"HEY STOP IT!" I exclaimed.

They laughed and i trudged my way to Irene's room.

Of course without second thoughts i went inside and saw a naked Irene standing, i turned my gaze away from her and pulled out my black handkerchief and tied it around my eyes.

"I'm proud you can still stand up." I grinned and felt a tug on my arm turning me around and my lips met with another. "Thank you for the pleasure." I felt a grin on her voice and she went down to my neck marking it.

"Still though, why are you covering your eyes when you've already seen all of it?" She asked and i smiled sweetly "Take it off."

I nod and took off my handkerchief shoving it down to my pocket. "I'm glad i placed my mark where they can't see it." I said and she laughed lightly "Yours is visible." I roamed my hand in my neck and felt a stinging pain beside my lump on my throat.

I shaked my head and laughed, i turned my gaze to Irene and she still hasn't worn clothes yet. She pushed me to the bed sitting on it and her straddling my lap.

"Chill your horny side Irene." I grinned and she rolled her eyes playfully "But I haven't made you scream." She pouted and i kissed it away, carrying her towards her cabinet and pulling out a sweater and shorts, she straddled my waist and i slipped on her sweater and shorts.

"You're pretty strong." She whispered and i chuckled "I know, i know." I slowly leaned down letting her off my grip, she walked to the kitchen first and i switched off the lights and followed my girlfriend towards the kitchen.

All of them sat on the table eating ramyeon and i passed by the table getting a cup and filled it with water.

"Yey~ i was hungry!" Irene chimed and the others laughed "I thought you weren't, since you ate Seulgi."

I choked.

I choked on my water.

I held my fist to my chest punching it to stop choking, the cup fell on the floor the water staining the carpet and i held the kitchen top for support.

"Looks like someone just choked." Wendy smirked and i grabbed my cup from the floor washing it and then filling it with water again since i spitted out the first one.

"Is Irene delicious?" I choked again and almost fainted.

"Jesus Christ, GUYS! A KID IS ON THE TABLE!" I exclaimed and they laughed while Irene was serving Yeri some ramyeon with a red cheek. "Don't worry eonnies, i researched it and i know it already."


The table was silent and Irene's mouth went agape dropping the serving spoon, Yooa's water dripped down from her mouth, Moonbyul choked on her ramyeon, Somi had wide eyes some noodle sticking out of her mouth, Joy dropped her spoon with wide eyes, Wendy looked up from her phone, the phone sliding from her grip landing on her lap, and i dropped the cup once more.

"YOU WHAT!?" We exclaimed in unison and Yeri smiled "Yep."

Moonbyul, Somi, and Wendy fainted, Irene and Yooa went to get water while Joy kept eating. While i fanned myself while tears were brimming my eyes.


After dinner we went to our- the daughter's rooms, and changed into comfortable clothes ready for sleeping.

I sat on the couch.

"The fuck are you doing there? Get your ass up here." Irene commanded and i stood up walking over to her bed laying beside her.

"You're tired, sleep." Irene mumbled and snuggled into my side, minutes later slow and steady breathes was heard by the girl beside me.

I kissed her forehead and closed my eyes drifting off into deep slumber.


Me: please hit me queens HIT MEEEEH

Rv: . . . .

Me: *waiting for red velvet's japanese mini album*

Editor : I dunno why i loved a dork y'all

Editor (again) : If the chapter has checks , it means I'm done editing them

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