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A/n: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Editor : Kinky hoe

I carried Irene before going to the car, i gave Somi the keys and she gave me a confused look.

"I'll walk with Irene, i have to stop by somewhere." I said and she sighed and nodded taking the keys in my hand

I changed Irene's sleeping position to my back and covered her with my jacket and started walking to their house.

I reminisced the scenery, the trees swaying peacefully with the cold breeze, i felt Irene snuggle closer and i chuckled but the happy aura quickly drowned when i remembered.

He marked her.

I looked at Irene's sleeping face and she looked so tired yet peaceful.

I stopped in my tracks for a second attacked her cheeks with soft kisses making her giggle and wake up, she fluttered her eyes open slowly even rubbing it afterwards.

I smiled lightly and carried on walking with a bunny who's peppering my right cheek with kisses.

"Stop it Hyunnie." I giggled and her cheeks was turning red "Say that again."



"My dear Hyunnie~" i chimed and she laughed lightly the atmosphere lightening. "I love it." I smiled and carried on walking.


We were close to her house when Irene poked my cheek "Oppa." I flicked my head towards her meeting her gaze and she smiled. "Seulgi oppa." She repeated with a seductive smirk. "Are you really sexually frustrated?" I asked and a playful punch met my arm and i chuckled.

"Since then when i saw your abs, and now the back of my legs can feel your abs. Who wouldn't be sexually frustrated? Plus you're gorgeous and i could literally do it with you right here, right now." She whispered lowering her head down to my neck.

Before she could continue what she was doing i placed my finger on her lips effectively stopping her actions. "Not so fast, i'm walking and we're in public." I whispered and she groaned in defeat.

"Save that later, Bunny."


"We're out for shopping.
-Moon, Somi, Yooa, Wendy, Yeri, Joy

Irene grabbed my wrist and pulled me to her bedroom, slamming my back on the door attacking my lips hungrily while her hands roamed every curve on my body.

I returned the kiss while holding her up her legs on my waist dropping her on the bed.

"Looks like i'm gonna get rid of that stupid guy's mark." I growled and "Seulgi.." Irene connected our lips again not wanting to stop, i moved down from her jaw to her neck sucking it then licking it to lessen the pain, the girl beneath me moaned and i lowered down my kisses to her chest, Irene attempting to connect our lips again.


Soft breathes and moans echoed throughout the entire room.


A/n: there's a special chapter
Editor : Is that even special....


Irene fell asleep beside me, her head on the crook of my neck her arms on my waist, her legs tangled with mine. I covered her naked and my half-naked body.

Yeah, i did all the work.

Looking at the mark i made, i grinned proudly. And so i turned on my phone.

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