8 [✓]

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First day:

Knock knock

"Come in!"

I went inside the room and was greeted by a newly showered Joy.

Keep your composure Kang Seulgi.

"I'm staying here for the week. If you don't want to I'll sleep at the living room." I stated blankly not showing any trace of emotions. "No, don't. It's fine really." She replied and turned on her PlayStation "Do you play Seulgi?" Joy asked glancing at me and back to the PlayStation "I'm afraid not Miss.Joy, i've never owned anything like that. Just a laptop, that's all." I stated and Joy looked shocked "What?! You've never tried this? Almost all people has this or the Xbox." She stated in disbelief.

"Okay come here, oh and just call me Joy" i nodded and went beside her, when she noticed i was standing she chuckled and patted the seat beside her "Don't be shy Seulgi, i won't bite" Joy stated and i sat beside her "for now." She whispered loud enough for me to say.

My weakness is I can't hide embarrassment or my blushing face.

I felt a heat rush up my cheeks and i looked away and heard a laugh "I'm just kidding Seulgi." She smiled and i nod at her trying to remain my composure "But I won't hesitate." She whispered and smirked.

That was enough for my heart to race in nervousness and my face turning red into a tomato, and my eyes wide.

"Alright Seulgi chop chop! Let's watch Blackpink, they're seriously making me gay" she laughed and I laughed with her "Oh? No wonder Wendy likes to talk about your voice huh." Joy grinned from ear to ear their smiles was contagious so i smiled too.

"You should smile more." She commented "Thank you" i thanked her and she grinned "So, let's see what Blackpink updated." She scrolled on her laptop and clicked the latest performance they did at a university festival. We both watched the video and around 2:05 Jisoo took over Jennie's rap in their song Stay.

Waah! Cute!

I fangirled in the inside and remained blank on the outside, i remained my composure while my mind was singing to the song and my heart was doing flips. As to the girl beside me, she let her inner fangirl out and bounced happily in her seat and sang to the song.

Second day:

I woke up with a stinging pain on my back, and as it seems like i fell off Joy's very own couch and landed on my back while sleeping. I looked around and saw a peaceful sleeping Joy, her blanket dropped on the floor so i picked it up and laid it on Joy's sleeping figure.

I cleaned up the room silently and went out to make breakfast.

I cooked kimchi fried rice for four people and one toast for me.

I delivered it to the sleeping girls leaving them a note on their trays like 'Eat up :)' , good morning :)' to my surprise Irene was awake when i went inside her room. She looked at me and smiled.

"Good morning Joohyun." I greeted and gave a small smile towards her and laid her food on the bedside table "You'll eat right?" She asked and i nod "Just a piece of toast and coffee." I stated and she looked at me worriedly "You said.." she trailed off.

"No, don't worry." I said as i knew what she meant. "If you need anything just press the button there on the remote, my watch will receive a notification that you need me. Arrasseo?" I explained and she nodded and when i was about to open the door arms wrapped around my stomach area and a chin on my shoulder.

"Thank you." She said and i nod, waiting for her to let go. It stayed for minutes and she let go and gave me a smile after.

I went out and clutched my chest.

Why is my heart like this. I shouldn't be making any relationships with our clients.

Third day:

"Seulgi~ lets play!" Joy cooed and i nodded taking a seat beside her and grabbed the controller.

"You said you don't know how to play this. How come your so good at this?" Joy whined and i smiled cheekily and held my hands up in defeat.

Fourth day:

I woke up first again and did the morning routine, making breakfast for the girls and as expected Irene and the others are still sleeping.

Fifth day:

Joy let me take the day off and promised to stay in the house. I sat in the living room cleaning the first floor with headphones on my ears connected to my phone on my pocket.

Sixth day:

"You act like a maid already Seul" Joy stated and gave me a glance " You're our bodyguard, but why act like a slave?" Joy pouted and i shaked my head "This is how i really treat my clients." I explained and she nodded and hummed to the song 'truth untold by BTS'.

Seventh day:

"Aw you're going to be in Yeri's next, i enjoyed your company" Joy said and embraced me.

Not all my clients are this generous to me and some even treat me like a slave.

"T-Thank you." I stuttered for the first time and embraced the girl in my arms back and i felt a pang in my chest.

"I'm going to cook dinner now." I said and excused myself out, and went down to the kitchen.

Seeing Irene on the living room sleeping on the couch i grabbed the pillow and blanket i use for sleeping and laid the blanket on Irene and the pillow under her head. After that i went to the kitchen and started cooking.

Bae Joohyun's POV

A familiar citrus scent invaded my nostrils.

A/n: hai. How's the update?

Editor : If the chapter has checks , it means I'm done editing them

Bodyguard; Seulrene ✓Where stories live. Discover now