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We were now in the house playing hide and seek, i was the hunter and i already found Irene, Wendy, Joy and Yeri the only ones left was my teammates.

I saw something move in the storage room and i opened it to reveal a crammed Yooa inside the cabinet, i smirked "Peek a boo."

Two more.

I heard some footsteps inside Wendy's room i opened the door and i saw Somi crawling underneath Wendy's bed, i grinned "Peek a boo."


I heard some shuffling noise on the attic and i slowly opened the trapdoor revealing a curled up Moonbyul "Peek a boo bitch." I smirked and she tackled me sending me to the floor and she jumped running to the backyard where everyone was waiting and one of us would be the hunter.

I grabbed her leg and dragged her beside me and ran to the staircase jumping on the rail sliding down, Moonbyul jumped and landed infront of me rolling and i jumped over her, she grabbed my leg and pulled me sending us together stumbling to the living room.

"Hoe why u aggressive this is just a game." I breathed out and she pushed me away "Remember our training? I'm on top 5 Seulgi remember that, i'm rank 5 and this ain't a game for me."

I understood what she said and smirked "Well then, let's go." I shoved her with full force sending her to the wall and ran to the backyard she caught up with me and tackled me down to the grass in the backyard.

"What are they doing?" Yeri asked "They're.. playing. That's like a training for them don't worry." Yooa reassured.

I grabbed ahold of the hose and splashed her with water, i aimed the hose to her like a gun "Hands up Byul." I smirked and she grinned "Hands down to you too Seul." She grabbed my wrist and pointed the hose to the bottom of my chin making me soaked.

"Alright." I breathed out "Tap tap." I chuckled and tapped her shoulder, she laughed and stood up.

My shirt was soaked and all of them looked at me and Moonbyul, but mostly to me.

Bae Joohyun's POV


Since Seulgi's shirt was soaked we could see her abs and curved because of the soaked shirt, i blushed aggressively when my gaze landed on her face.

Some wet strands sticking at the side of her face, her lips apart, her lip wet with water, some water trickling down her face to her collarbone.

Oh my god what a goddess.

I felt my breath hitch when she walked over to me.

"I'm gonna take a bath."

Can i come? Oh wait control your hormones Irene.

I nodded and followed her inside leaving the playing people in the backyard and went to my room with Seulgi, she took her hair tie letting her wet hair fall freely on her back.

"You look so hot." I said and i instantly slapped my mouth shut realizing what i said. She turned to look at me and smiled. "Why thank you Princess." She said and connected our lips.

"I'll take a shower now." She said and went inside the bathroom, i laid on my bed my hand on top of my chest.

"I'm so inlove."


She finished showering and i was reading a book, in my peripheral vision i could visibly see her thighs.

Shit im staring.

I snapped my gaze towards the book.

Kang Seulgi's POV

I walked to my duffle bag pulling out some clothes, i decided to go with an black oversize t-shirt and some cycling shorts.

"You said in the past that you were good at dancing, can i see it?" Irene asked and i instantly froze.

"Alright" I replied calmly, i stood up and pulled her desk chair infront of her and asked her to sit down, she had a slight confusion visible on her face but obliged anyways.

And played the song 'Do Re Mi by Blackbear'


I stood up from Irene's lap and hung my wet towel in the bathroom and went back to the starstruck Irene on the chair.

I tilted my head innocently at the older latter, As if i didn't give her a lap dance.

She had her eyes wide her face beat red and mouth agape.

"T-That.." i cutted her off with a soft giggle and pecked her nose.

"You're adorable."

A/n: :)

my friends say i have a habit of biting and licking my lips ._.

Editor : You bite me though—

Editor (again) : If the chapter has checks , it means I'm done editing them

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