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I woke up earlier than the others and cooked breakfast for all of them. While i was walking i spotted a silhouette in the living room, i readied my fighting stance and held my fist up ready for a fight.

When i was behind the man i tackled him to the ground threatening to break his arm. "Ah! Who are you!?" A rasp voice said and i immediately helped the man up.

"Ah! Mr. Bae, i'm sorry!" I frantically bowed my head up and down repeating it quickly.

I heard a chuckle from the older and i kept my head down. "Don't worry, you were doing your job. In fact I'm impressed." A glint of proud was heard in his voice and i dared myself to look up at him and he had a smile in his face.

What the hell am i feeling?

I felt a pang in my chest.

"Now, where are my daughters?" He asked and i pointed the staircase "Sleeping, all of them." I said and he nodded in reply and sat down on the couch.

I scurried to the kitchen making him coffee and served it to him "Thank you." he smiled genuinely.

God, How i miss my parents.

An indescribable pain struck my heart and i leaned on the counter for support. "Do they even miss me?" I asked myself and shook my head snapping me out of my thoughts and started cooking Samgyeopsal [[삼겹살]] (don't ask me about that food. I just looked up at the internet.)

i sighed and plopped on my headphones in my ears playing 'Little Little' by Red Velvet, i swayed and hummed in beat while cooking with a small smile in my face.

"Give a little little more love~" i sang quietly. "Give a little little more time~" i heard someone sing in a soft voice and two arms wrapped around my waist, i took off my headphones and planted a soft kiss on my girlfriend's forehead leaning down to reach her forehead.

"Good morning."

Bae Joohyun's POV

Even though she woke up earlier her rasp voice is still there, Damn.

"Good morning."

Her rasp voice made my heart race G-good morning."

She chuckled and went back cooking after giving me a small smile "Your father is in the living room." She said and i hummed in agreement since i already talked to him before coming here.

I dazed off my mind up in space.

If Seulgi didn't stop the mafia yet.. and they're still finding me.. am i putting her in danger?

Just seeing her in a bruised state makes my heart break, what more if she ends up dying?

I frowned unconsciously.

"Is everything alright?" A voice snapped me out of my trance and a bear like girl was in front of me looking at me worriedly "They might be chasing us.." i trailed off feeling disappointed that one day she'll come back dead.

She gave a reassuring smile and kissed my cheek "I'll protect you no matter what." she smiled sweetly and i wrapped my arms on her neck, bringing her upper body into a hug.

"I love you so much."


"Irene- i have to go to the baseme- let go of me please."

Kang Seulgi's POV

Irene clung unto me like a sloth, though she wasn't heavy but she clung her whole body into my torso her legs wrapped around my waist her arms on my shoulder her face on the crook of my neck.

"Oh my god Irene- it's hard to move when you're clinging unto my front- just cling unto my back and I'll let you stay there forever, it's just hard to move."

Irene pouted and i held her thighs to help her move to my back, after comfortably clinging unto my back. I carried on with my house chores.

I had one of my headphones on Irene's right ear and one on my left ear, connected to my phone playing some Bolbbalgan4 songs.

I hummed to the song while Irene held on to my neck literally making it hard to breathe but i didn't mind a single bit.

I was cleaning the basement and after cleaning it i went to their greenhouse in the garden and watered some plants, i let Irene use the floral cap to avoid letting the sunrays hit her flawless face, while my face confronted all the rays even sweating in the process.

After doing all the chores i carried Irene back to her room laying her down on the bed while i sat on the couch catching my breath.

"Why did you cling on to me for the entire day?" I asked "I just didn't want to be in this room alone." she pouted and i laughed lightly Pabo, it's not like I'll leave."

"I know it's just-"

"I will never leave you."

A/n: oh my gosh where am i getting all this energy to update multiple chapters in one day?

Maybe the comments made me motivated or the votes. I don't really know but i felt like i needed to update more lol

blackvelstaethics out!

Editor : If the chapter has checks , it means I'm done editing them

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