17 [✓]

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Kang Seulgi's POV

I got out of the hospital as soon as possible as i heard that my parents was still on the run.

They know, they know. It's my fault, it's all my fault that they're lives are in more danger, add up the mafia that still chases Irene. It's all my fault!

I felt anger boil in my blood as i was cleaning the attic to secure them again and ensure their protection.

I didn't notice that tears were already falling.

It's my fault that they're gonna end like Jimin. It's all my fault..

A thud echoed throughout the attic as i fell to my knees and let all the emotions flow out.

Frustration. Sadness.

They're gonna die because of me, i'm so stupid! I was so reckless!

I tugged my hair hard, the same pressure my parents did to me when i was young.

Panic rushed throughout my whole body, i immediately went downstairs and retrieved the calm girls on the free room leading them to the attic that i cleaned recently to ensure safety and avoid being seen by criminals.

I fitted their mattresses in the room.

Yes, the attic was large enough to fit 20 people.

I fitted their television in and even brought a bean bag for me to seat on while they're asleep, i also moved in four of their lamps to atleast ease their nervousness in the dark.

Irene was still using my mattress and this time i won't let myself get caught off guard. My wounds still hurts but it's not something that could stop me from protecting this innocent family.


I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

I wish i had one.

I shaked my head and grabbed Joy's laptop, Yeri's art equipments, Wendy's laptop and webcam, and Irene's bunny stuff toy and books.

After setting everything they needed or wanted, i climbed down the ladder for the attic and closed it leaving the four entertained girls inside. I quickly jogged to the kitchen and made the girls dinner, i locked all the doors even chaining it.

The windows are closed and the curtains are shut tight. After double checking everything i putted their dinners in the tray and brought it up to the attic.

"Dinner." I stated and laid the tray on the wooden small circular table i brought awhile ago.

"You aren't eating?" Yeri asked and i shaked my head receiving a pout from the latter "Eat Eonnie, you're really skinny." Joy said and i sighed and held my hand up in hesitation "I shouldn't eat my client's food." I explained.

"Did your past clients even invite you for dinner?" Wendy asked twerking a brow towards me and i thought for a moment before answering "No , they don't. Some bring me to restaurants but i seat a few tables apart and i don't order mine because i had to save my money." I explained and they gasped in disbelief especially Irene who looks in the brink of tears, i immediately did my eyesmile that i knew that was usually contagious.

I brought a smile in their faces again and i sighed out relieved that i lightened up the mood.


"If any of you wants to use the bathroom down there, tell me and i'll escort you there." I stated and the three older girls except Yeri showed a face of disgust, i laughed lightly "No, i'm not going inside with you. I meant outside the door, jeez." I stated and they 'ohh.' ed .

I sat by the trapdoor of the attic and watched as the news flashed in and the girls on their bed eyes glued to the news except Yeri who was sleeping.

"More and more crimes are happening lately.

We suggest you stay locked inside your houses."

The news anchor advised and at the same time my phone vibrated from my pocket, i pulled out my phone and read the caller ID

'Kim Yongsun'

I accepted the call and brought it up to my ear, noticing Irene descend the volume of the television to respect my call

"S-Seulgi.. M-Moonbyul.. she.. she's being abused by her c-client.."

My eyes widened and the grip on my phone turned deadly

"What!? Does Yooa, Taeyeon and Tiffany know about this!?"

I exclaimed clenching my mouth as i closed my eyes in rage.

"Yes they know! They're trying to escape Moonbyul out of there but she ended being beaten up"

I shuddered, my grip on the phone could crush the phone any second, the fist on my other hand turning pale as the girls looked at me worriedly and confused at the same time.

"Get the girls treated. Send me the address, i'll get her out of there."

I stated sternly and heard a shuffling noise from the other side of the room.

"Luckily the house is just there by the corner where you're also assigned at."

"Call me later. I'll get her out of there at exactly 2:00 am."

"Wait, Seulgi."


"Moonbyul's room is at their stupid basement."

I inhaled deeply not letting the anger consume me.

"I'll get her out, i promise that. No one would die, i have to say we have to block connections with this stupid client."

"Got it."

"Yeah, okay."

"Goodluck Seul."

I ended the call and laid my restless back on the solid wall.

"What was that about Eonnie?" Joy asked and i let out a forced smile "It's alright, i'll lock everything up while i get my partner out of her abusive client." I explained and they nodded "Please, this time i need you three to protect Yeri while I'm out and remember press the button to call me."

"I'll always be there."

A/n: dnthrs thanks for pointing out my mistakes before more people could see it.

Editor : You're welcome bunny ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Blackvelstaethics.. out.

Editor (again) : If the chapter has checks , it means I'm done editing them

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