12 [✓]

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I woke up early to make breakfast for the girls again and to my surprise, Irene wasn't on her bed nor the bathroom.

Woah what?

"Yah! It's my turn! Appa decided that!"

"Aniya! I want Seulgi unnie!"

"No! She's mine!"




Hearing the distant argument made me jolt up and slowly open Irene's door just to see the girls arguing in front of Joy's door.

"Okay i'm in big trouble now." I sighed and jumped out of Irene's balcony and made my way to the back door, i opened the fridge and pulled out the egg container.

I cracked two eggs and beated it and made fried egg. While another two for an omelette, and matched with bacon, and some kimchi fried rice.

"Aish, let's talk about this on the table, it's bothersome here!"

"Shush! You'll wake up Seulgi you dummy"

"I smell something"

I can sense some footsteps behind me while i was cooking the bacon, i heard the chair creak but I didn't mind it as i knew that it was one of the girls.

Another creak, and another, and another.

The whole room was silent, only the sizzling of bacon was heard.

Bae Joohyun's POV

Joy and Yeri seemed to be drooling over the sizzling bacon on the pan, and i can see Wendy tapping whatever that is on her phone. I can't help but stare at Seulgi's back, how her muscles move in such a manner while she's cooking.

Not to mention, i saw a glint of her abs once when she was hanging her sketched canvas on my room and when she saved me from that mafias i accidentally touched her abs that time.

I noticed she was just wearing a thin white t-shirt and she took off her apron revealing her sweaty back and front. I could see muscles moving on her back and when she turned around i almost forgot how to breathe.

HeR AbS iS oN ViEW, hELp ME

Her abs was now in view as sweat trickled to her abdomen sticking to the thin white shirt she wore.

"Eat up." She stated and the others nodded and got their plates and ate, while i sat there staring at her mono eyes. "Can i talk to you Seulgi for a minute?" I asked and she nodded and followed me.

I went inside my room and she followed behind, while she closed the door i spoke up "Seulgi.. Can you.. Just uhm. Change your t-shirt? Your abs.. Are uhm..in view.." i trailed off looking away as heat rushed up to my cheeks and ears.

"Look." I stood up and went in front of her "You're making me crazy. And, i can't handle you torturing me just by seeing that abs of yours" Seulgi was taken aback by my boldness, i myself was also surprised to where i got the courage to say that.

Her cheeks became red and she went to her bag and pulled out a black t-shirt, she looked at me and showed me the t-shirt she chose "Is.. This okay?" she asked and i nodded sternly "Uhm, you don't mind.. Me changing in front of you?" she asked again and i nod.

Wait did i just say yes? No wait Seul-

She gulped and took off her shirt and slid in the new one.

What. The. Hell. I. Saw. Her. Toned. Body. I have been blessed.

Kang Seulgi's POV

I gulped and took off my shirt

Is she sexually frustrated?

After slipping on a new one i glanced at Irene and saw her staring, i fake coughed and she shot back to reality.

"I guess i'm not the one torturing you, it's with your eyes. Your eyes seem to wander." I stated and grinned, she laughed "What's with the argument earlier?" I asked and her laughter died which sent a pang in my heart.

"We.. Were arguing over you.. We both wanted you to stay in our rooms.. Then we argued." she explained and sighed after, i furrowed my brows in confusion.

Fighting over me?

I was beyond confused on what Irene meant. "Just.. Eat.. Eat your breakfast first, i'll talk to your sisters and after that, l'll talk to you." I said and she nodded and went out the room, i sat on the side of her bed where i fell asleep the other night when she held my hand, my eyelids became heavy and before i knew it i closed my eyes.





Four continuous beeps vibrated from my watch to my nerves.

I looked at my wrist and the watch turned to dust, i furrowed my brows in confusion and four people with wings suddenly appeared.

The other three's wings turned black with a glint of white, only one pair of wings stood out and it was Irene's. The other three turned to me and they had masks but their gray masks splattered with blood.

In both of their hands held Wendy's, Yeri's and Joy's heads. A smug smile seen on their black lips and gold teeth.

"It's me Seulgi, Irene. I won't let them take you away from me." Irene said and cupped my cheeks, her wings held pure peace and obedience.

"I'm not gonna break you like what they did." Irene sighed out and pecked my forehead, i stood there frozen, her soft fingers on my cheek.

"My heart belonged to you since that day." Irene stated again and smiled lovingly "Since you saved me and said you'd be my bodyguard." Irene smiled even wider her eyes turning into crescents her perfect row of teeth in view.

From my side vision i could see the dark angels cast spells and swiped it to our direction.

Irene's glorious wings slowly wrapped the two of us, our bodies shielded by her wings.

A/n: I'm so done with blinks i swear. I SwEAr they gon' editing the superheroes with the new lightstick and gone mad. My god im so broke I can't buy the lightstick. *cries in a dark corner*

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Bodyguard; Seulrene ✓Where stories live. Discover now