38 (last chapter) [✓]

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1 month later

I finally took off my casts and started moving the joints of my arms and hands.

Feeling a bit strained i stretched it more until a breaking of bone was heard, i sighed in relief.

"Seulgi! What was that!?" Irene exclaimed her eyes wide but her eyebrows knitted. I rubbed my temple for the first time in weeks "Uh? Stretching?" I answered oblivious to her reaction.


I shrugged her reaction and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

I went inside removing all clothing on my body and stepped inside the range of the shower letting the cool water flow down my body.

I closed my eyes and caressed my hair with shampoo.

If we are being sent to England for special trained forces... who would.. train us? They can't just burst in the door and say "Oh hey, you're being sent to England and you will stay there for 5 years."

They can't just do that, we also have personal lives. IDOT team has personal lives BLACKPINK has, and of course also G-Idle has a tight schedule. They shouldn't pressure us.

I'm not agreeing to this, lose my job or not i don't care.

We're not going to England and get our asses killed.

Screw this.

I walked out of the bathroom, pissed, with a towel wrapped on my body. I closed my eyes for a second and went to my bag to snatch out some clothes.

I putted on the sweater that Irene gave me on my birthday, pairing it with a black jogging pants making my body very comfortable.



I groaned and answered my vibrating phone.

Agency CEO

"Hello Seulgi?"

"Yes CEO-nim?"

"You're going alone on England, as the top agent your being transported there and you cannot do anything to stop the process."

"Sorry, but no. I'm not going anywhere, fire me or whatever i don't care."

"I'm not a package, i'm a human."

"Then fine, you won't go? We'll force you."

"Besides the majesty of England wanted you to guard him."

"And yet you turned down the offer."

"Such a pity."

"I don't care."

"I'm with someone i love and that's enough."

"A relationship? There's a consequence Kang. It's written on the contract, how careless of you to ruin your reputation." The tone of his voice was full of mockery that made me grip my phone hard.

"I don't care about my reputation or consequence."

"Your contract will be cut short and we'll send you to England forcefully."

"Screw you."

"Maybe i am a prick, but that's how this agency works Seulgi. You've got nothing to do with it."

"Then fine."



I ended the call before he could continue what he said.

"England my ass." I muttered rather audibly since I'm alone inside Irene's room, i walked out the door and decided to drink coffee in the kitchen.

After putting my cup on the bottom of the coffee maker i pressed the green button and my favored liquid poured out of the machine filling my cup.

I turned it off and held my cup, by the handle sipping it each moment passes by.

"You look stressed, what's going on?" Wendy appeared out of nowhere and i shook my head "Seulgi, you've been here for months. You only drink coffee when you're stressed."

I sighed in defeat.

"My contract got cutted short when CEO-nim knew about my relationship with Irene and I'm being sent to England alone." I explained and took a sip of my warm coffee.

"Then we'll go too, we'll top your agency's exams and go with you." Wendy explained nonetheless not bothered by the fact that someday she'll conquer a deadly situation.

"Besides, Yeri is already 17 and she's a smart girl, Joy is 18 and a cheeky but clever girl on computers, Irene is 21 and has experience on martial arts. While i have the brains of a general."

I smiled "Didn't think i would end up leaving Moonbyul be the leader on my team." I grinned and finished my coffee.

"Well, the name of our team?" I asked and Wendy's grin widened almost ripping her face apart.

"Red Velvet."

A/n: i knew i had to end this today.

This is the last chapter.

blackvelstaethics will be back soon.

Editor (again) : If the chapter has checks , it means I'm done editing them

Hello, this is the author, me and my editor are no longer dating, I may leave out notes left by the both of us because I am currently too occupied to delete alot of text just written by the both of us, do respect her new relationship.

The break up happened months ago so I am fine with the way things are for me, but I had to speak out because it was making me feel uncomfortable, but I do not blame anyone for that.

Have a good day!

Bodyguard; Seulrene ✓Where stories live. Discover now